Pastor’s Corner — March 12th, 2023

Disciple Maker Index Reminder

This is a reminder that if you haven’t done the Disciple Maker Index survey to please do so in the next week or two. You can either turn in your paper survey to the front office, or do the survey online. (The front office and the welcome desk has more paper surveys available).

Eating Meat and the Celebration of St Patrick’s Day in McCann

As you’ve seen in the midweek email and bulletin, we are going to be celebrating the Feast of St Patrick this Friday March 17th. In addition to our 10 AM all-school Mass on Friday, we will have 8:30 AM Mass in the PLC, and a 7 PM Mass. We are anticipating the 7 PM mass to be in the Church, but will keep you updated if we have to move it to the PLC. After the 7pm Mass we will be having a special parish celebration in McCann Hall with delicious appetizers and beer. (The beer is provided by Eternity Brewing Co). Please plan on coming down for a little while after the 7pm Mass to celebrate the feast!

Also, since St Patrick is our patron saint, the usual liturgical designation of the Memorial of St Patrick’s Day is elevated to the Solemnity of St Patrick for our parish, which is a the highest level of celebration we have as Catholics. This “liturgical upgrade” is fitting as we celebrate our parish and St Patrick’s extraordinary life. Given the status of the Solemnity, the bishop reaffirmed to me that all registered parishioners of our parish do not need to abstain from meat on Friday.

DSA Thank You and Reminder

Thank you to all who have already submitted your DSA pledge. For those who haven’t, this is just a reminder to bring your completed envelope to Mass or to give online.

Ryan’s Email Regarding Old Pews

You should have received an email from Ryan Nardozzi on Tuesday regarding the old pews. At the time of this writing all of the old pews have been accounted for. Thank you to those who reached out to take them!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — March 19th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — March 5th, 2023