Young Church Core Team
Our mission at Young Church is to invite youth into personal relationship with Jesus Christ and accompany them as they grow as His Disciples.
Our 7th-12th grade youth groups meet on Sunday evenings from 6-8 PM in the Parish Life Center. We meet weekly from September to April and about twice a month from May to August. During the school year, the typical format of one of our Young Church nights is:
Arrival, Food, and Social Time
Opening Prayer & Announcements
Large Group Game/Ice-breaker
Praise and Worship
Small Group Discussion
Prayer Activity
Core Team Members aren't just volunteers…they’re the “core” of our ministry!
our mission of forming young disciples can only be fulfilled if we have a large team of adults actively engaged in ministry, together.
The primary job of a Core Team Member is to express Christ's love to students through their regular presence, witness, and accompaniment. Jesus taught us that good ministrydepends on relationships, so relational ministry is what we’re all about!
In the long run, youth probably won’t remember all of the talks they heard, the crazy games we played, or the food we served… but they WILL remember the adult who welcomed them, got to know them, and showed up for them each week!
Most Core Team Members are assigned to co-lead a small group each week, since small group discussion is one of the primary opportunities we have to build relationships with youth, share our experiences, and encourage them as they seek to follow Jesus in their daily lives.
Core Team Members also support the weekly operation of Young Church through a variety of other tasks and roles. We seek to find the best role of each team member based on their natural and spiritual gifts and interest.
are you considering serving on Core Team?
fill out this interest form so we can connect with you and begin the discernment process:
Marissa Dawson
Coordinator of Youth Discipleship
Getting started:
Before we ask anyone to make a commitment to Core Team, we invite all prospective volunteers to discern whether this is the right ministry for them! This involves a few different steps:
The most important thing to do first is pray about it!
We also encourage you to complete the Interest Form (found above). When we get the form, we’ll reach out to you to for an initial conversation, at which point we’ll get to know you a little bit and answer any questions you have.
If you decide to continue discerning Core Team, we’ll invite you to “Come and See” Young Church in action by visiting us at one (or more) of our upcoming Young Church nights! This will give you a chance to get to know our current team members, see what they do, and learn more about the ministry.
You can continue attending Young Church for a few weeks. During that time, you can shadow current team members on a trial basis. We’ll check in with you to see what you’re thinking and feeling as you continue discerning.
If and when you decide to make a commitment to joining Core Team, we’ll begin your on-boarding process. This includes things like completing an application, signing a Code of Conduct form, passing a background check, and completion of VIRTUS/Safe Environment training.
Finally, you’ll start serving on Core Team on Sunday nights in an official capacity! At this point, we’ll also provide some additional training, resources, and opportunities to get to know your fellow Core Team members better!