Becoming Catholic

‘The order of Christian Initiation of Adults’
Christian Initiation is a journey, but it is not a journey to a destination but to a person, the person of Jesus Christ. “Becoming Catholic” is a response to God’s invitation by answering the call to follow Jesus as his disciple. This is a process of conversion, communion and discipleship.
“Come, follow me.” — Matthew 4:19
ocia process
The OCIA journey is intended for:
● Unbaptized adults who desire to enter the Catholic Church
● Adults baptized in other Christian denominations who now desire to live out their Christian life in full Communion with the Catholic Church
● Baptized Catholics who were not raised in the Catholic tradition and would now like to complete their Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation
● Practicing Catholics who did not receive the sacrament of Confirmation. -
Each journey is unique, and no one can place a set time on how quickly one should grow in faith and knowledge. That said, the “typical “ calendar for those not baptized begins in September and continues through Pentecost, with the sacraments received at the Easter Vigil. This is generally a 9 month journey.
Those already baptized Christian have additional opportunities to come into Full Communion with the church with a shorter catechumenate.
If there is a need to validate a marriage prior to the reception of the sacraments, the time may be extended to accommodate the necessary documentation. -
The Catholic church places a very high value on marriage. As a candidate or catechumen preparing to enter the sacramental life of the Church through OCIA, it is important that your marriage is valid prior to the reception of the sacraments. We are happy to assist you in identifying and completing any steps which may need to be taken to accomplish this.
If necessary, your OCIA journey may include either of the following. These brief videos will provide introductory information.
● For those divorced and remarried, a decree of nullity may need to be pursued. Click here for a video with more information
● For those who have a Catholic spouse, but were not married in a Catholic church, a convalidation may be necessary to bring their union into a sacramental marriage. Click here for a video with more information.
To begin the process of discerning the validity of your marriage, please contact our Marriage Coordinator, Heather Dent at: hdent@stpatchurch.org
I’m interested in learning more, what do I do now?
If you have read through this page your journey may have already begun! It may have also resulted in more questions, so please contact me and I will be very happy to talk.
God bless you in your continued discernment!
Anne Guminik
Director of Mission
(810) 229-9863 Ext. 324