knights of columbus
about the knights of columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic men’s global fraternal organization, with over 2 million members in more than 20 countries and territories. It was founded in 1882 by Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney. Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304 was founded in 1979, and is a vibrant part of St. Patrick’s Parish in Brighton, MI, with over 275 members.
Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism are the four principles that we strive to follow, as we support the Catholic church and the local community. Brother Knights share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models.
For more information, please contact Membership Director George Philips at gphillips65@gmail.com or
(313) 304-9250. Please visit the council’s website at www.kofc7304.net to learn more about the council.

What you can expect
st. pat’s knights of columbus council #7304
Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304 is a vibrant part of St. Patrick’s Parish and part of the over 2 million Catholic men worldwide, who work to serve their church, community, and countries.
Council meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 PM in McCann Hall.
Meetings are preceded by a rosary at 7:00 PM in the chapel.
Prospective members are invited to attend the third Wednesday meeting, which is open to all Catholic men interested in joining.
(Please use PARNDT for agent referral code)