net discipleship team

Support the team

If you’re interested in hosting 2-3 missionaries in your home for 1-2 weeks this year, please fill out the above information form and our housing coordinator will contact you with further details.

Help feed the team dinner during on one of their busy weeknights of ministry. Sign up to bring a dish or full dinner the Parish Life Center. See above Sign Up Genius for details.

Make an online contribution to support the cost of feeding the missionaries. Click the above link and select “NET Team” as the fund. Donations will be used to buy grocery or restaurant gift cards.

For over 30 years, NET Ministries has provided peer-to-peer youth ministry in schools and parishes across the US and the world. Every year, NET recruits and trains teams of young Catholic missionaries, aged 18-25, who commit a year of their lives to witnessing the love of Jesus and serving His Church. In 2022, our parish began a three-year partnership with NET Ministries. During these three years, NET Ministries sends us a “Discipleship Team” of missionaries who serve at St. Patrick from September-May of each school year.

About the team

Our NET Team supports multiple ministries for youth in grades 5-12 by assisting with Young Church, Ignite, Confirmation prep, and discipleship activities at St. Patrick School. They also help us run retreats, lead small groups, and engage youth outside of formal ministry settings. In all of these ways and more, the Missionaries support our parish Core Strategies of seeking the lost, helping people encounter the love of God, and forming intentional disciples. As we head into the third and final year of our partnership with NET, we look forward to seeing the impact these amazing young men and women have on the youth of our parish and school!

Meet the missionaries

Our 2024-2025 team of NET Missionaries have arrived in Brighton and will be serving here until May. Please extend a warm welcome when you see them around St. Patrick!

George Bias

Male Team Leader
23 years old
Alden, Minnesota

Ally brown

Female Team Leader
24 years old
Norwalk, Ohio


21 years old
South Bend, Indiana


19 years old
Corsicana, Texas


19 years old
Evansville, Indiana


19 years old
Coxsackie, NY


19 years old
Garland, Texas


19 years old
Hastings, Nebraska


18 years old
Grand Forks, North Dakota

faq’s about the net team

  • NET stands for National Evangelization Teams. According to NET Ministries, their organization seeks to “challenge young Catholics, through relational ministry, to follow Christ and embrace a life of community in the Church”.

  • Yes! NET Ministries also deploys missionaries on Retreat Teams to minister to middle school and high school youth at parishes and Catholic schools across the country.

  • Discipleship Teams offer a unique opportunity that combines the efforts of a parish or school and that of a NET team, in order to enrich Catholic culture and build a community of disciples that have a lasting relationship with Christ. A partnership is formed between a parish/school and NET Ministries, in which they work side-by-side to bring Christ to the community. (source:

  • The missionaries are here to support and expand our existing efforts to accompany young people on the path of becoming spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ. The Discipleship Team will engage in a variety of outreach and discipleship activities for the youth of our parish and school community. This year's team will also leave Brighton a handful of times to provide retreats at other locations in our region.

  • The missionaries stay in host homes with parish families who have generously agreed to house 2-4 missionaries in their home for 1-2 weeks. We still have openings in the housing schedule - click here to learn more about hosting or click here to let us know you're interested!

  • Our 3rd-Year team of Missionaries will be in Brighton from mid-September 2024 through April 2025. This will be our third and final year of having a team at our Parish through our partnership with NET Ministries.

  • The missionaries are thoroughly screened by NET Ministries in order to ensure their suitability for working with youth. NET Ministries follows the recommendations laid out by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in their “Charter for the Protection of Young People”. These measures include: criminal background checks, numerous reference checks, a letter of suitability from their Pastor, and completion of “VIRTUS - Protecting God’s Children” course, and additional instructions on maintaining safe environments for youth during their initial 5-week training.

  • All NET Missionaries complete a 6-week training process prior to beginning ministry. This training equips them to conduct outreach and discipleship efforts among the youth in a parish/school community. They are taught how to model a life of discipleship for young people, engage youth in outreach activities outside of church/school, share testimonies, run small groups, encourage peer-to-peer faith sharing, mentor individual youth, teach young to develop a habit of daily prayer, and more.

  • Our Discipleship Team is supervised by Marissa Dawson, Coordinator of Youth Discipleship at St. Patrick. They also are also remotely supported by full-time supervisors at the NET Ministries Center in Minnesota. Their NET supervisors are in regular weekly contact with the missionaries and make 4 site visits throughout the year.

contact the net missionaries

Please note that the missionaries do not use their personal devices, phone numbers, or email addresses for ministry. Any communication with youth and parents is done through shared team phones and NET email accounts.

Men’s Phone:
Women’s Phone:

Questions about housing/host homes may be directed to our NET Housing Coordinator, Casey Mangan, at:

parish staff supervisor:

marissa dawson

Coordinator of Youth Discipleship
(810)-229-9863 Ext. 215

Questions about housing/host homes may be directed to Casey Mangan at: