young adults

to st. pat’s young adults
We are a Catholic community of young adults at St. Patrick Catholic Parish seeking to grow in community, worship & formation. There is a place for you here!

let’s connect
St. Pat’s Young Adults is a place where intentional friendships are made
and young adults are formed into disciples of Jesus Christ.
contact us
Have questions about the Young Adults group at St. Pat’s? Reach out to one of our leaders! Lily Finn (lilyfinn7@gmail.com) or Olivia Tizedes (osatiz@gmail.com)
faithful connections
Click here for more information and to join the Brighton area group.
join us
We want to meet you! Join the Faithful Connections Brighton group for our monthly schedule or email one of our leaders: Lily Finn (lilyfinn7@gmail.com) or Olivia Tizedes (osatiz@gmail.com)here to follow us!

young adult

Holy Hour
All young adults are invited to meet in the chapel from 7-8pm on the third Thursday of the month* for a young adult holy hour. Fellowship gathering to follow at a local restaurant!
*The Young Adult Holy Hour in April will be held on April 24th
cco faith study
CCO is a Catholic movement raising up Christ-centred, Spirit-filled leaders to evangelize the world one person at a time. They do this through a simple proclamation of Jesus Christ, equipping followers to live out their discipleship, and then give them easy to learn tools and methods for sharing their faith with others.
Want to join a Young Adult CCO Small Group Faith Study? Email Lily Finn at lilyfinn7@gmail.com
tuesday fellowship
Do you want to create meaningful friendships with like-minded young adults in your area? You've come to the right place! Our goal is to create a thriving community of missionary disciples here at St. Pat's. We gather every Tuesday for fruitful fellowship, engaging service activities, deep conversations about the faith, and competitive game nights. We model ourselves off of Acts 2:42- "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." If you are interested in joining us, please contact Olivia Tizedes (osatiz@gmail.com) or check the monthly schedule for St. Patrick's Young Adults on the Faithful Connections page and drop on by!
ireland pilgrimage
This August Fr. Joshua will be leading a pilgrimage to Ireland for young adults (18-35 yrs). To go on a pilgrimage is one of the oldest Christian traditions: it is an opportunity to step out of your day to day routine to walk where the Saints have walked. It speaks to the incarnational nature of our Faith, that Christ took on flesh and walked on this Earth. It is an intentional time of allowing the Lord to encounter us in how He has been at work in our world. On this pilgrimage we will be walking in the footsteps of St. Patrick, praying where our Blessed Mother appeared at Knock, and treading the ground where countless Saints have gone before us. There is an informational meeting on Sunday, Feb 2nd in Room B1/B2 in McCann Hall. For more information contact Fr. Joshua at frjoshua@stpatchurch.org