PK - 4TH grade

In addition to First Reconciliation and Communion Preparation, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is the primary offering for the religious education of our parish youth in grades PK - 4. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program (CGS for short), is a Montessori-based religious education program in which children encounter the Lord through Scripture, liturgy, and sensory experience. In CGS, children gather and learn in a specially-prepared room called the Atrium. In the Atrium are materials for hands-on work with essential New Testament Scriptures and liturgical moments. The lead catechist introduces the lessons and gives the children freedom return to the idea as often as they are led. Time in the atrium nurtures a child’s relationship with Jesus our Good Shepherd and prepares him or her for worship in the greater Church community.

More about
catechesis of the good shepherd
This level is focused on children aged 3 to 6. Within this age group, they exhibit a remarkable ability to grasp and derive joy from the fundamental aspects of our faith. This includes understanding God's profound love, which is exemplified through Jesus as the Good Shepherd, encompassing his crucifixion and resurrection. We utilize resources that delve into the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and serve to solidify the child's connection with the divine mystery. Central to the teaching approach for children under six is the focus on the Parable of the Good Shepherd. This parable illustrates Jesus' identification as the Good Shepherd who uniquely calls each individual by name, with the sheep symbolizing those who heed his guidance and follow his path.
The elementary-age child is captured by the image of the True Vine. “I am the vine, you are the branches, whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” The proclamation responds to the deep need of these children to better know his or her relationship with God, family, friends, and the larger community. Moral parables offer a model for comparing their behavior with that of the Pharisee, the Tax Collector, or the Good Samaritan. The elementary children see the parts of the Mass—the Liturgy of the Word, the Preparation of the Gifts, the Eucharistic Prayer, and the Communion—as one unified prayer made of many smaller prayers.
The history of salvation focuses on the plan of God as a plan of communion, a plan which links all people together through God’s love to delight the older child. The emphasis is on our response to this unfolding generosity of God and recognition of the responsibilities that come with receiving God’s great gifts and seeing oneself as a collaborator with God. “What is the kingdom of God and my place in it?” is a cosmic query which lays the foundations for a life commitment to a relationship with God. Materials on the Prophets of the Old Testament, the Gifts of God, the Miracles of Jesus, and expanded presentations on Liturgy and Scripture can also be found in the Level III Atrium.

have questions about religious education?
Contact one of our staff members below!
Sandi Hootman
Coordinator of Youth Formation
(810)-229-9863 Ext. 322
michelle rooney
CGS Coordinator