social outreach

We witness to the truth of the Gospel, advancing the kingdom of God through acts of service in the local community. A special emphasis is made in integrating all social justice action of the parish into a Christian view of the human person, making it a natural extension of our faith as spirit-filled missionary disciples of Jesus.
The Director of Christian Service & Outreach oversees all the social outreach efforts at the parish and is the point person for all the community entities that we partner with to serve the needy and the vulnerable in our area.
Interested in volunteering at St. Pat’s? Fill out the form below and Kim Kaye will get in touch with you!
christian service opportunities
BeFriender Ministry is organized by a national, ecumenical non-profit organization that provides leadership training and ongoing support for a listening ministry of care and support in churches (especially funerals), hospitals, senior living communities etc. St. Patrick BeFrienders is open to any parishioner willing to be trained and attend periodic meetings.
Brush Benders is a fellowship of creative people that meet to support projects and solidify Christian friendships. They also host informal presentations of sacred art.
Bountiful Harvest is a Livingston County food pantry that is a non-profit organization run completely by volunteers. With support from the local community and food banks, we are able to provide groceries, meals, clothing and access to employment agencies to people in need.
Prayer group that meets after daily Mass once per month for support and prayers.
Embrace Grace is a 12-week discipleship session held at St. Pat’s for expectant parents in need, culminating in a parish-hosted baby shower. Together, we can ensure no single mom or dad has to walk alone.
Fish & Loaves is a free community dinner every Sunday evening at various churches in Livingston County. St. Pat’s hosts dinners bi-monthly. Fish & Loaves is a ministry of Love in the Name of Christ and part of a Livingston County network of food outreach.
St. Pat’s supports the Flint Center for Hope’s Community Closet. Through the Center’s Community Closet, people can receive personal needs items such as toothpaste, shampoo, diapers, formula, and toilet paper, as well as gently used clothing (all ages) and household goods. We provide help to our Flint brothers and sisters in need by focusing on a different item each month to help replenish this community closet.
The Advent Giving Tree is a parish-led outreach giving support to local families and charities during the Advent Season. Volunteers assist with assembling lists of needs, and purchasing and distributing gifts.
The St. Pat’s Gleaners Outreach Ministry supports Gleaners by coordinating food donations from the parish and by hosting two food drives each year.
The Grandparents Group meets for morning Mass on the second Monday of the month, followed by a time of sharing and fellowship in McCann Hall. We end with a Grandparents Rosary in the Chapel.
This ministry connects people experiencing grief with local and regional opportunities for support.
The Human Trafficking Ministry strives to offer opportunities of prayer and awareness in the community. St. Pat’s currently participates in the Rest Area Label Project, raises awareness within our community through speakers, bulletin and website articles, and runs fundraisers collecting needed items to help organizations that work directly with victims.
The Love, Inc Transportation Ministry at St. Pat’s provides rides to various appointments for those in need.
Designed to provide encouragement, search strategies, and a new way of thinking about your direction in the world of work or ministry. Led by a 25-year former leader in Talent and Organizational Development. Meets twice per month in the classrooms in McCann Hall.
St. Pat’s Game Nights are a social ministry offering an evening of pizza, salad and board games. They are open to everyone for connection and fellowship. Held monthly on Friday evenings during the school year.
St. Pat’s Respect Life Ministry is a parishioner-led group dedicated to supporting all life from conception through natural death. Meetings are held monthly to plan outreach and fundraising efforts.
St. Pat’s Serving Irish is a service group for parishioners willing to serve area residents with projects that include small or big chores (delivery of a meal, watching a pet, driving to Mass, and home visiting are some of the services provided.)
This ministry makes sandwiches and delivers them to Detroit’s St. Aloysius Street Ministry, which serves homeless individuals from the area. Different teams meet each week at the Parish Life Center kitchen on Wednesday mornings to assemble meat and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organization of lay Catholics, following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering, and the deprived. The St. Pat’s chapter trains volunteers who then meet weekly to assist those in need.
Walking with Moms in Need is an initiative created and supported by the US Catholic Bishops as a process through which Catholic parishes and communities “walk in the shoes” of local pregnant and parenting women in need. Here at St. Pat’s, service opportunities are available for people willing to assist with material support and guiding parents to resources.
The Widow/Widowers Support Group leads people deeper into intimacy with Jesus through fellowship with believers, social events offsite, and Bible study after daily Mass once per week.
Meetings for those struggling with addiction and the people who love them.
To get involved in Christian Service opportunities at St. Pat’s, please contact our Director of Christian Service
Kim kaye
Director of Christian Service
(810)-229-9863 Ext. 218