eucharistic adoration
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Friday in the chapel following the 8:30 AM Mass. Adoration continues all day and through the night with Benediction and Reposition at 7:50 AM on Saturday. Sign up sheets for prayer times are on the table in the chapel. We need adorers for Friday & Saturday every week. Please consider through prayer if you can find it in your heart to spend an hour of silent solitude with our Lord. Please contact our Friday Adoration Coordinator, Sam Raguso, at spraguso@gmail.com

evening of worship
Second Saturday of every month. Adoration, contemporary worship music, and testimonies. Restored is a time to come praise Jesus, our King of Glory, and rest in His loving presence. Restored runs from 7:30-8:30 PM. We end with a short time of fellowship and homemade cookies!
Saturday, February 15th
Saturday, March 8th
Saturday, April 12th
Saturday, May 10th
For more information contact Carlene Demers at cdemers@stpatchurch.org or 810-229-9863 ext. 221