Pastor’s Corner — March 5th, 2023

Completing the Disciple Maker Index and an Apology

During the homily last weekend, we completed the Disciple Maker Index that the Diocese is asking all parishes to complete. The results will be compared to the results back in 2020. (Not 2018 when I thought we took it) The point of the survey is to get a real snapshot into the where our parishioners are at in their discipleship so we can better serve you. If you were not at the parish this weekend, I’m asking all parishioners to complete the survey online by March 28th. Paper surveys are due to the front office by March 20th.

While we had over 1,000 people take the survey online this weekend, (this is not counting the probably hundreds of completed paper surveys), I want to apologize for how long the survey took during Mass. I think the survey may have been longer than the previous one we did in 2020. I know that some people would have preferred to take the survey with more time. The reason why we chose to do this during Mass is so that the data of the new survey can be compared to that of our previous survey which was done during Sunday Mass. My point was to survey the Mass going Catholics at St Pat’s. So again if you haven’t taken it or you didn’t finish it, please do so with the link above.

Diocesan Services Appeal This Weekend

This weekend is “commitment weekend” of the annual Diocesan Services Appeal in which we prayerfully commit to donating to the DSA. In addition to what the Bishop is saying this weekend, we have many reasons why we give to this at St. Pat’s. As a priest I must say that I’ve been impressed with the leadership of the Diocese and the diocesan staff, who are supported by this campaign. The needy are also really served by these funds. Moreover, one reason why we are out of debt as fast as we are is the collaboration of a diocesan staff member and the bishop. If you want more information on the kinds of services that DSA supports, please go to the diocesan website.

We have a strong culture here at St Pat’s of Christian service (core value of I Am Third) and the DSA is one-way concrete example of this. We had the highest number of gifts in the Diocese for last several years and I think greater engagement in this great service appeal would glorify God and serve God’s people well.

So I’d like every parishioner (and each teenager who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation) to please take an envelope home this weekend and put it somewhere in your house (like kitchen counter or refrigerator) in a place that will remind you to give. If you choose to fill out an envelope you can return it to the collection basket or office in the next couple of weeks. Or you could simply give online like I prefer to do. Either way, no gift is too small. I’ve already given my gift online and I thank you ahead of time for your generosity to this year’s appeal.

Sunday Morning Parking Lot Congestion: Carpooling to St Pat’s

A while back I encouraged parishioners to carpool as a result of our difficult parking situation, which on account of our increasingly popular Sunday morning Masses can be a problem. Yes, we need to look into getting more parking (property across the street?) But the parking lot situation can get noticeably worse when we have K of C breakfasts in the morning after the 7:45 and 9:30am Masses during Lent. We want people to stay for these but it can make things more difficult on families coming to the next Mass.

One way of concretely helping with this is to try to carpool when coming to Mass at St Pat’s. Families can take one car instead of two, or try to go to the same Mass on a weekend. Or even friends picking each other up for Mass. This is just another way we can also live our core value of family. I know this might not be practical in all situations, but if it can work, it might help.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — March 12th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — February 26th, 2023