Pastor’s Corner — April 2nd, 2023

Diocesan Presentations on Eucharistic Miracles Across the Diocese

In this Eucharistic Revival, Bishop Boyea is inviting the faithful to attend one of four events across the diocese showcasing some of the greatest Eucharistic Miracles in history. According to the diocesan website:

“Speaker Tim Francis will present on some of the amazing Eucharistic miracles from throughout the world where the visible qualities of the Eucharist changed into flesh and blood. These are true signs from God that confirm what we receive at every Mass is the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ.”

There are four options across the diocese to attend a 90 min presentation that will be sure to encourage your faith in Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist: April 17, 19, 20, and 21. There will also be a bonus celebration of Science Tests Faith by Tim Francis on April 18th in Howell. Some people might remember that I brought Tim Francis here back in 2018. He was really good. Click here for more details.

Few Important Job Openings at St Pat’s

Here are a few opportunities to join our parish/school team this Spring.

  • Middle School Math Teacher (St Pat’s School)

  • Middle School Science Teacher (St Pat’s School)

  • School/Parish Custodian 

    If you know someone who might be a good candidate, please encourage them to apply online at

Next Healing Service at St Pat’s: Friday April 21 at 6:30pm in the Church

I will be leading the Encounter Ministries Parish Healing Service on April 21st. Please consider bringing someone who is in need of healing. I recently was told of a testimony of someone who never brought a baby to term but had 5 miscarriages in a row. She received healing prayer at St Pat’s and she very soon after brought a baby to full term. Hopefully this summer/fall we’ll finally be able to start our physical healing ministry at the parish.

Pray for the Church in Germany

Thankfully, the truth that God reveals to us in Jesus is revealed in order to set us free. Therefore, the teachings of Christ as received by and taught by the Church are to be received with faith. In fact, the Holy Spirit, protects the truth of God through the magisterium, which is the teaching authority of the Church. This is important to remember as we witness what’s going on in the Church in Germany, which is really at a critical crossroads right now. I think it’s important for Catholics to understand what’s happening right now with the German Synodal Way. To this end I’m quoting Bishop Hying of Madison, WI who summarizes the issues succinctly: (paragraph spacing mine)

For three years, the leaders of the Catholic Church in Germany have been involved in their “Synodal Way,” a process of conversation and decisions among the bishops and laity, regarding Church doctrine and practice, which culminated recently in three days of voting on particular issues. The majority sanctioned the blessing of same-sex unions, the ordination of women, and transgendered people, a fundamental change in the governing authority of bishops, and a radical rewrite of Catholic sexual morality.

Despite the Holy Father’s warnings and disapproval, this German body went forward with its deliberations and decisions. This shocking conclusion is an absolute first in the history of the modern Church — a national conference of bishops essentially rejecting fundamental aspects of Church teaching and practice. Strong pressures from various interest groups ardently seek to change Church teaching on the issues of life and sexuality, as if such fundamental components of our Christian faith and anthropology could ever be up for a vote. 

What we believe, teach, and practice as Catholics are revealed by God through Jesus Christ in the Church through the Scriptures and Tradition. As disciples of the Lord, we have the opportunity and duty to be well-formed in the faith, to have a well-developed conscience, and to witness the treasure of Catholicism to the world. The Church always reaches out in compassion and love to every human person, seeking to help them realize their human dignity as a child of God. The Church loves everyone and wants every soul to encounter Jesus Christ and to ultimately be saved.

To preach the truth revealed by God in love is the Gospel mandate we have received and seek to live. In Jesus Christ, we view the perfect fusion of love and truth. He loved everyone, embraced them in their sinfulness, and led them to the holy freedom that religious and moral conversion brings. We do not love people when we simply leave them in sin and error, nor do we love them when we harshly reject them without any compassion or feeling. As Pope Francis reminds us often, disciples lovingly accompany others towards a stance of conversion in Jesus Christ.

No one has the authority to change Church teaching, as if the truth given is malleable and adaptive to changing cultural norms. Such a path would lead to both error and irrelevance. When people express their dismay to me about the turbulence in the Church and the many conflicting opinions about doctrine and morality, I simply reaffirm that the Faith does not change. We have the Scriptures, the Tradition, and the Catechism. These spiritual gifts to us are the road map, which leads us to Christ, salvation, and happiness. We pray for the Church in Germany, for her bishops, priests, leaders, and lay faithful. May they be unified with the universal Church in truth and love, as we live the beautiful teachings given to us by the Lord through the grace of our 2000-year tradition.”

Let’s pray for the Church in Germany—and for any member of our Church including some leaders, who still reject fundamental aspects of the Church’s teaching. Come Holy Spirit!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — April 9th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — March 26th, 2023