recent Confirmation Emails

2025 Preparation Group

The following emails were sent to all parents of candidates that are preparing for Confirmation in January 2025. If your child is registered for preparation but you have not been getting these emails, please check your spam or junk folder. If you haven’t received them at all, please contact Marissa to make sure you’re on the distribution list.

January 15, 2025

Confirmation Mass Details

November 21, 2024

Sponsor Meeting Reflection Instructions

Dear Confirmation Families, Here are a few reminders related to your child's Confirmation preparation…

October 21, 2024

Marissa Dawson Marissa Dawson

October 7, 2024 (Sponsors)

Dear Confirmation Sponsors, Below is the Zoom information for tonight's Sponsor Equipping Meeting from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Eastern Time.

Please note I am sending this meeting information to all sponsors (not just the ones who indicated they will attend this date) in case anyone needs to make a last minute change of plans...

10.7.24 Sponsor Zoom Meeting info

Dear Confirmation Sponsors,

Below is the Zoom information for tonight's Sponsor Equipping Meeting from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Eastern Time.

Please note I am sending this meeting information to all sponsors (not just the ones who indicated they will attend this date) in case anyone needs to make a last minute change of plans. If you already attended on September 28, or are planning on attending the next option (in-person meeting this Saturday morning at 10 AM), you can disregard this message. For those that are planning to attend the meeting tonight, here the information you need to join the Zoom meeting:

Sponsor Equipping Meeting (Optional Date/Time #2)
Monday, October 7 at 7:00-9:00 PM
This meeting will take place over Zoom and will be hosted by me. You can use the following join link to join the meeting, or you can use the Meeting ID and passcode found below.

Join Zoom Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 811 3475 6543
Passcode: sponsor

If you're new to using Zoom, here is a helpful page that explains how to join a meeting. I look forward to meeting some of you tonight!

In Christ,
Marissa Dawson
Coordinator of Youth Discipleship
St. Patrick Catholic Parish

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Marissa Dawson Marissa Dawson

September 25, 2024

Below is the Zoom information for this Saturday's Sponsor Equipping Meeting from 10 AM to 12 PM. I am sending this meeting information to all sponsors (not just the ones who indicated they will attend this date) in case anyone needs to make a last minute change of plans and join this meeting. If you're planning on attending one of the other two dates, you can disregard this message. For those who are attending this Saturday's meeting here are the details...

Sponsor Zoom Meeting Information:

Below is the Zoom information for this Saturday's Sponsor Equipping Meeting from 10 AM to 12 PM. I am sending this meeting information to all sponsors (not just the ones who indicated they will attend this date) in case anyone needs to make a last minute change of plans and join this meeting. If you're planning on attending one of the other two dates, you can disregard this message. For those who are attending this Saturday's meeting here are the details:

Sponsor Equipping Meeting Details (Optional Date/Time #1)

Saturday, September 28
10 AM-12 PM Eastern Time
This meeting will take place over Zoom and will be hosted by me. You can use the following join link to join the meeting, or you can use the Meeting ID and passcode found below.

Join Zoom Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 811 3475 6543
Passcode: sponsor

If you're new to using Zoom, here is a helpful page that explains how to join a meeting.

I look forward to meeting some of you this weekend!

In Christ,

Marissa Dawson

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Marissa Dawson Marissa Dawson

September 16, 2024

Confirmation Mass Date: I know you have been waiting anxiously to learn when our Confirmation Mass will take place this coming January. Thankfully, the Bishop’s office has completed the schedule and we finally have our date: Confirmation Mass at St. Patrick will be on Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 PM. A light reception in McCann Hall will follow Mass that evening. Please note that we do not have a rehearsal for Confirmation Mass. Rather, we will send instructions to candidates and sponsors in the week leading up to Confirmation. We’ll also ask that the candidates and sponsors arrive at 6:00 PM on the night of Confirmation so that we can answer any questions and ensure that everyone is on the same page...

Confirmation date & Continuing preparation reminders

Dear Confirmation Families,

Confirmation Mass Date:
I know you have been waiting anxiously to learn when our Confirmation Mass will take place this coming January. Thankfully, the Bishop’s office has completed the schedule and we finally have our date: Confirmation Mass at St. Patrick will be on Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 PM. A light reception in McCann Hall will follow Mass that evening. Please note that we do not have a rehearsal for Confirmation Mass. Rather, we will send instructions to candidates and sponsors in the week leading up to Confirmation. We’ll also ask that the candidates and sponsors arrive at 6:00 PM on the night of Confirmation so that we can answer any questions and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Sponsor Accompaniment Requirement:
As shared in an email update this summer, we are inviting all Sponsors to attend a Sponsor Equipping Meeting this Fall. After that meeting, we’ll be asking all candidates and sponsors to schedule some time to meet and complete a set of provided materials together. If your child’s sponsor did not receive the email we sent in August with details for signing up to attend one of the three meetings, you can view it here: Sponsor Meeting Email. If your child’s sponsor is unable to attend any of these three meetings, they should let me know by email and I will make alternative arrangements for them to receive the information and materials that will be shared at the meeting.

Confirmation Page on Parish Website:

For your convenience, any reminders, forms, announcements and are posted to our parish website on a page dedicated specifically to your child’s preparation group: You can get to this page anytime by selecting “Sacraments”, then “Confirmation” on the main navigation of the St. Patrick website. Once on the Confirmation page, select “Current Candidates”, then “2025 Preparation Group” to access the correct information for your child. As I continue having trouble with emails landing in people’s spam folders, any copies of emails sent to all candidates are also posted to a “Recent Communication” section. This is also a helpful place to look back at previous emails rather than digging through your inbox.

Reminders for Continuing Preparation this Fall:

-Since your child is continuing Confirmation preparation, you do not need to re-register them this Fall. However, Registration is currently open for new candidates looking to start their prep this school year. If you have a younger child (7th grade or older) to register, here is that link.

-Your child should continue participating in their Discipleship Commitment through January. To refresh your memory, the Discipleship Commitment is the activity your child selected as their source of on-going spiritual formation during Confirmation preparation. For the majority of candidates, that’s either School Discipleship on Thursdays or Young Church on Sunday evenings (Resumes September 22 -
click here for Fall Young Church Calendar). If you need to change your child’s discipleship commitment for any reason, please let me know by email or schedule a phone call to discuss options.

-If your child has not yet completed their Confirmation Retreat requirement, our annual Confirmation Retreat will be offered on November 9-10 at Our Lady of the Fields in Brighton. Further details about the retreat will be sent to any candidates who still need to complete this requirement.

-Lastly, if you have any questions about your child’s preparation, I want to remind everyone that the easiest way to get ahold of me by phone is to schedule a call at a time that fits your schedule as well as my own availability.
You can do so here.

In Christ,
Marissa Dawson

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Marissa Dawson Marissa Dawson

August 18, 2024

Dear Confirmation Sponsors, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Marissa Dawson and I am the Coordinator of Youth Discipleship at St. Patrick Catholic Parish, where one of my responsibilities is overseeing youth Confirmation preparation. I want to thank you for the commitment you’ve made to the young person who asked you to be their Confirmation sponsor! I am reaching out to you regarding an upcoming preparation requirement which the Confirmation candidate you're sponsoring will need your help to complete...

EMAIL TO SPoNSORS: Sponsor Equipping Meeting INFO

Dear Confirmation Sponsors,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Marissa Dawson and I am the Coordinator of Youth Discipleship at St. Patrick Catholic Parish, where one of my responsibilities is overseeing youth Confirmation preparation. I want to thank you for the commitment you’ve made to the young person who asked you to be their Confirmation sponsor!

I am reaching out to you regarding an upcoming preparation requirement which the Confirmation candidate you're sponsoring will need your help to complete. In short, each candidate is required to meet independently with their sponsor at least one time prior to Confirmation (*see note at the bottom of this email). The purpose of your meeting together will be to discuss the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit, and other topics related to a life of discipleship. To help shape your conversation, a set of engaging videos and accompanying discussion guides will be provided.

Additionally, each sponsor will need to attend a “Sponsor Equipping Meeting” before getting together with their candidate. One of the objectives of the Sponsor Equipping Meeting is to prepare you for these conversations with your candidate and empower you to customize the experience for them. We will also provide insight into your role as a Confirmation sponsor and the vital role that your accompaniment can play in their spiritual growth.

This Sponsor Equipping Meeting will be offered on three separate occasions in an effort to accommodate your busy schedule. Additionally, two of the offered meetings will take place over Zoom Meeting (video conference) so that everyone is able to participate, regardless of location. You only need to attend one meeting. Dates and times are as follows:

-Saturday, September 28th, 10 AM-12 PM (ET): Online
-Monday, October 7th, 7-9 PM (ET): Online
-Saturday, October 12th, 10 AM-12 PM: In-person

Please click here to view the available dates/time and sign up for the Sponsor Equipping Meeting you plan to attend. If you are unavailable for all three dates/times, please let me know so that we can arrange an alternative method for you to receive this information and support.

I look forward to meeting with you and helping you support your candidate on their journey to Confirmation.

In Christ,
Marissa Dawson

*Please note: We’ll be encouraging everyone to complete this requirement in whatever manner best suits the unique relationship and circumstances of each candidate and sponsor pair. We expect that reviewing and discussing the provided materials together should take approximately 3-4 hours. Some pairs may wish to watch and discuss everything in one sitting, while others may choose to set up multiple shorter meetings. The meeting environment/method might also vary depending on your location- sponsors and candidates may have their conversations over video or phone if distance prevents you from meeting in-person.

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Marissa Dawson Marissa Dawson

July 23, 2024

I hope this message finds you in the middle of a wonderful summer! I am writing to inform you of an important change regarding one of the requirements for your child’s Confirmation preparation. As we continue to seek to improve our parish’s Confirmation preparation, we have decided to cancel the Formation Sessions previously scheduled for August 10 and October 12...

Updated Plans for Sponsor/Candidate Requirement

Dear Confirmation Families,

I hope this message finds you in the middle of a wonderful summer! I am writing to inform you of an important change regarding one of the requirements for your child’s Confirmation preparation.
As we continue to seek to improve our parish’s Confirmation preparation, we have decided to cancel the Formation Sessions previously scheduled for August 10 and October 12.

This change is the result of the Lord’s guidance and feedback received from families and sponsors over the past two years. In place of the Formation Session, we are implementing a new requirement which aims to honor the unique relationship between each candidate and their chosen sponsor. We also believe that the new format will better accommodate the busy schedules of candidates, sponsors, and their families.

The new requirement will begin with equipping sponsors for the role of accompanying their candidate on the path to–and beyond–the Sacrament of Confirmation. Afterwards, sponsors and candidates will be empowered to meet independently in order to spend time in meaningful conversation about Confirmation, the Holy Spirit, and their personal faith journeys. Finally, candidates will submit a written reflection about the time they spent with their sponsor and how it impacted them.

For the sake of clarity, I have outlined the necessary steps for completing this new requirement below:

1. Each sponsor attends a 2-hour Sponsor Equipping Meeting.
There are three dates/times to choose from - two of the meetings will be offered online via Zoom Meeting, and a third will be offered in-person at St. Patrick:

-Saturday, September 28th, 10 AM-12 PM (ET): Online
-Monday, October 7th, 7-9 PM (ET): Online
-Saturday, October 12th, 10 AM-12 PM: In-person

This meeting is only for the sponsors, not the candidates. Sponsors will receive an email from us, shortly, about their role in this requirement and how to RSVP for which Sponsor Equipping Meeting they will attend. Parents will receive a copy of this information, as well.

2. Each sponsor will schedule time to get together with their candidate for reflection and discussion based on provided materials.
We ask that each sponsor and candidate spend approximately 3 hours together on the provided materials. This might be done all in the same day, or broken up over more than one meeting. We encourage everyone to do this in whatever manner best fits their relationship with their sponsor and their availability.

We recommend meeting in-person, but if your child’s sponsor lives far away, this could be done through Facetime or Zoom. If you’re concerned about this, please let me know- I’m happy to help brainstorm a solution that will work.

Sponsors will be prepared during the Sponsor Equipping Meeting to guide their candidates through the materials. We'll also provide suggestions for how they might personalize the experience to make it more impactful.

3.Each candidate will submit a 2-page reflection about the time spent with their sponsor.
Prompts/reflections questions will be provided to help guide the candidate in writing their reflection. Candidates will be asked to submit their reflection via an online form by January 1, 2025.

As stated above, we will be communicating directly with your child’s sponsor this week about signing up for one of the available Sponsor Equipping Meetings in September/October. You will receive a copy of this email when it goes out so that you may follow up with your child’s sponsor about it. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we strive to make Confirmation preparation a more fruitful experience for all involved. Should you have any questions or concerns about this change, please do not hesitate to let me know.

In Christ,
Marissa Dawson

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Marissa Dawson Marissa Dawson

April 4, 2024:

APRIL 1 DEADLINE EXTENSION: Amidst the Holy Week and Easter festivities, I was out of the office for a few days and I'm still getting caught up on the emails received from Confirmation families related to the April 1 deadline for the Saint and Sponsor Form and the candidate/sponsor baptismal records. Thank you to everyone who has already submitted those! For anyone that's asked for more time to complete these, I'm extending the deadline to May 1....

Deadline Extension and Discipleship Reflection #2

Dear Confirmation Families,

Happy Easter to all- I hope that this email finds you continuing to rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord! Here are a few announcements regarding your child's Confirmation preparation:


Amidst the Holy Week and Easter festivities, I was out of the office for a few days and I'm still getting caught up on the emails received from Confirmation families related to the April 1 deadline for the Saint and Sponsor Form and the candidate/sponsor baptismal records. Thank you to everyone who has already submitted those! For anyone that's asked for more time to complete these, I'm extending the deadline to May 1.

This is partially due to the fact that I inadvertently set the deadline to be right in the middle of Easter and Spring Break, which understandably conflicted with travel plans and family commitments. The main reason for extending the deadline, however, is that I've become aware that some people did not receive 
the email I sent in February with the instructions for these items. It seems that the email landed in some peoples' spam folders, while others have said they didn't receive it at all. Barring any misspellings or an incorrect email address, I'm not sure what is causing that. Everyone who is registered for Confirmation is on the contact email list that I use to send out these emails (and I send them via BCC to help avoid them going to your spam folder).


Therefore, in an effort to facilitate better communication, I've made some changes to our Confirmation webpage. You can always find this page on the St. Patrick website by going to the main menu and clicking on "Confirmation" under "Sacraments". There is also now a separate page devoted to the information and resources needed by current Confirmation candidates.

Current Candidates page also includes a section where you can find copies of any emails that I send out to you. This change should make it easier for you to find the information or links that you need, and will hopefully save you the frustration of hunting through your email inbox for past messages. To be clear, all communication will still be shared by email, but copies of those emails will be available for you under the "Recent Communication" section of the Confirmation webpage.


Now that we're in the month of April, the next item for your child to complete is Discipleship Reflection #2. This is a survey of multiple choice and short answer questions to help us "check in" with how your child is doing in their faith journey so we know how to better support their growth. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. The deadline for completing this is May 1.

In Christ,
Marissa Dawson

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Marissa Dawson Marissa Dawson

Feb. 6, 2024

It's time to get your children started on the next steps of their Confirmation preparation! As you know from their Preparation Timeline, there are a couple of requirements coming due on April 1:

1. Complete the Saint and Sponsor Form
2. Turn in candidate and sponsor baptismal records...

Confirmation Prep Update

PLEASE NOTE: We are aware that some families didn’t receive the following email because it landed in their spam folder. We specifically send these emails via BCC in an effort to prevent this, so unfortunately we’re not sure why that’s happening. Regardless, please rest assured that if you’re receiving this information late, the deadline for your child may be extended to May 1 to provide further time for them to complete these steps.

Dear Confirmation Families,

It's time to get your children started on the next steps of their Confirmation preparation! As you know from their
Preparation Timeline, there are a couple of requirements coming due on April 1:

1. Complete the Saint and Sponsor Form

2. Turn in candidate and sponsor baptismal records

Please see below for details on completing each of these requirements and let me know if you have any questions. Information about the next item on the Timeline, Discipleship Reflection #2 (due May 1), will be sent out on April 1 so that it may be completed during the month of April.

Have your child begin thinking about (1) who they want to pick for their Confirmation Saint and (2) who they want to ask to be their Sponsor. Please refer to our specific guidance for choosing these, found here:
Choosing a Saint and Sponsor

After they've chosen both their Saint and Sponsor, they need to 
complete the Saint and Sponsor Form in order to turn in all related information to us. This form is due April 1. Per the note at the top of this post, if your child needs extra time to complete these, they may submit the Saint and Sponsor form by May 1.

Note: We do not ask youth to write a Saint report for Confirmation. However, we do ask a couple of questions on the Saint and Sponsor Form to help us understand why they selected their chosen Saint, as well as their Sponsor.


We must have your child's baptism record on file in order for them to be confirmed at St. Patrick. We are also required to have their sponsor's baptismal record on file. We are asking you to submit both of these this Spring so that we are not trying to track them down in the Fall/Winter when things are much busier on our end.

The only exception to either of these requirements occurs if we already have the candidate and/or sponsor's record on file here at St. Patrick. This would be the case if they were baptized at St. Patrick (in which case the baptismal record is held here at St. Patrick), or if they received First Communion or Confirmation at St. Patrick (in which case we should still have a copy of their record on file from when we collected it for that Sacrament).

Baptism certificates for candidates and/or sponsors may be submitted using this form:
Submit a Baptismal Record for Confirmation. A photo or scanned copy of a certificate is sufficient for our purposes. Hard copies of a certificate may also be submitted by mail (ATTN Marissa Dawson, St. Patrick Catholic Parish, 711 Rickett Road, Brighton MI 48116). For your convenience, you also have the option to upload the Sponsor's baptism certificate to the Saint and Sponsor Form (linked above) when you provide us with the rest of the Sponsor's information.

If you do not have your child's baptism certificate at home, you will need to contact the parish where their baptism occurred and request a copy of the certificate. The same applies for sponsors' certificates.

In Christ,
Marissa Dawson - Coordinator of Youth Discipleship

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