October 7, 2024 (Sponsors)
10.7.24 Sponsor Zoom Meeting info
Dear Confirmation Sponsors,
Below is the Zoom information for tonight's Sponsor Equipping Meeting from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Eastern Time.
Please note I am sending this meeting information to all sponsors (not just the ones who indicated they will attend this date) in case anyone needs to make a last minute change of plans. If you already attended on September 28, or are planning on attending the next option (in-person meeting this Saturday morning at 10 AM), you can disregard this message. For those that are planning to attend the meeting tonight, here the information you need to join the Zoom meeting:
Sponsor Equipping Meeting (Optional Date/Time #2)
Monday, October 7 at 7:00-9:00 PM
This meeting will take place over Zoom and will be hosted by me. You can use the following join link to join the meeting, or you can use the Meeting ID and passcode found below.
Join Zoom Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 811 3475 6543
Passcode: sponsor
If you're new to using Zoom, here is a helpful page that explains how to join a meeting. I look forward to meeting some of you tonight!
In Christ,
Marissa Dawson
Coordinator of Youth Discipleship
St. Patrick Catholic Parish