current candidates
2025 Preparation Dashboard
Candidates in this group began their preparation last school year (2023-2024) and are continuing preparation this Fall. This group will be Confirmed in January 2025.
REMINDERS & Announcements:
Discipleship Reflection #3
This form is now available under Forms and Resources. Please have your child complete it by Dec. 1.
Written Reflection about sponsor Meeting
Instructions for how to write and submit the reflection about meeting with their Confirmation Sponsor are available here:
Sponsor-Candidate Meeting Reflection InstructionsThese reflections should be submitted by January 1. If an extension is needed, please let Marissa know.
Confirmation Mass will be on Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 PM.
Candidates and Sponsors should arrive at 6:00 PM that evening. There is no rehearsal on a prior date.
A light reception will follow in McCann Hall after Mass
There is no specific dress code, but a suit/blazer and tie are suggested for boys, and girls may wear slacks or a dress (dresses should be an appropriate length for Church).
Each candidate’s family will be assigned a pew for Mass and the candidate and sponsor will be seated on the aisle for when Bishop Boyea comes around to confirm the candidates. We will be in touch in the New Year with further details about those seating arrangements.
Confirmation Mass DEtails
Forms, Resources, & Copies of Emails
Please note that all form/links and information needed about specific requirements can be found under “Forms and Resources”. Copies of any emails sent out to your child’s preparation group may be found under “Recent Communication”.
Recent Communication
Can’t find an email? Worried that you missed one? Copies of any recent emails to the families of our 2025 Confirmation candidates can be found here:
Dec. 1 - Discipleship Reflection #3 due
Form link is available below under Forms and Resources.
Upcoming Due Dates:
Jan. 1 - 2-page written reflection about time spent with sponsor is due
Instructions for this reflection are available under Forms and Resources.
The following items are due for all 2025 Candidates. If you missed a deadline, you can still find the forms or information to get caught up on the following items under “Forms and Resources”:
Items due:
Saint and Sponsor Form
Candidate baptismal record
Sponsor baptismal record
Discipleship Reflection #2
Forms and resources:
Youth Discipleship Coordinator