Pastor’s Corner — September 4th, 2022

New Men’s Ministry at St. Pat’s this Fall

The new men’s ministry we’re starting here this fall is using a program called That Man is You! According to its website, this program “honestly addresses the pressures and  temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. It also harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive.” It is an effective  program.

We’ve already formed a solid core team of guys who are taking ownership and leadership in making this happen here as well. Join us for food, fellowship and faith on September 22nd at 6 AM in the PLC. All men are welcome. Learn more and register at

Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science, and Revelation

As a pastor, I’m sensitive to the fact that many of us have family and friends who do not think from a Christian perspective about issues in our culture, even if they claim they are Christians. Therefore, confusion in our culture can often times confuse us, especially as we try to have conversations with confused people. This is why clarity and truth matter. Over the past few years we’ve addressed at St. Pat’s controversial topics such as gender ideology through homilies, websites, bulletin articles, and by recommending books, websites, articles and videos. So as a reminder, far from being a compassionate response to people who suffer from gender dysphoria, the gender confusion we’re witnessing in our culture today is the result of an extreme ideological rejection of our embodiment as creatures of God. The problem is as deeply philosophical as it is moral. As a logical result of the sexual revolution, gender ideology represents a revolt against reality that all Christians must resist.

I’m reading an excellent new book that brings together many fields of discipline on this topic of what it means that God has created us male and female. While it’s sad that a book like this has to be written in the first place, this book shatters the lies of the gender ideology by showing the coherence of truth as received from God. Here is the official write up about this book from the publisher:

“Have “man” and “woman” become meaningless categories? Public promotion of transgender identities, same-sex marriage, and surrogate parenthood indicate that we no longer view male and female as central to human flourishing. Perhaps man and woman amount to nothing more than one’s own self-expression. Many intuitively resist such a view, but feel unable to respond in light of “woke” rhetoric from media-driven voices carrying the apparent blessings of science.

We need to recall who and what we are. Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science, and Revelation takes up anew the questions “What is a man?” and “What is a woman?” Taking a holistic approach, the book is co-authored by experts from different fields: philosophy, obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, psychology, plastic surgery, and theology. For the sake of accessibility, the style is thoughtful but not academic. Each chapter includes review points along with suggestions for further reading.

The authors include recognized practitioners in their fields who have spoken nationally and internationally to audiences concerned with today’s crisis over the meaning of sexuality.

Sexual Identity assembles these voices into a coherent whole. Written by experts for non-specialists, it offers a comprehensive vision of the human sexual identity, male and female. It offers much-needed wisdom to see through the deceptions that afflict our time. 

At the bottom of the book’s page is a two-hour video Q and A with the authors of this book. That Q and A alone is probably enough to answer most of the questions you might have.

The beauty of Christian faith shows that philosophy, science and revelation all coalesce in confirming the truth of the human person as given by God. It’s true that the more confident we are in the truth the more our loved ones are protected from pernicious errors. But it’s also true that the more we as Christians know the truth and live in it the more we can bring the truth to our culture which desperately needs it. Come, Holy Spirit!

Thank you Noah! Maintenance Position Open at St Pat’s

I am saddened to announce that Noah Struppa, one of our trusty maintenance workers, who just got married a few weeks ago has decided to move down to Columbus to be near his wife’s family. We’re going to miss Noah, not just for his humor, but for his hard work here. Thanks Noah!

As you might imagine, we’re now in need of a solid maintenance worker. If you or someone you know is interested in playing a significant support role in making disciples by caring for our physical plant, please have them apply here. Come, Holy Spirit!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — September 11th, 2022


Pastor’s Corner — August 28th, 2022