Pastor’s Corner — May 5th, 2024
Congrats to first communicants!
This weekend ninety-five children will have received their First Communion at our parish. Every year when this happens, we adults are reminded of the tremendous gift of the Eucharist that only those with the eyes of faith can see. How blessed we are to receive with love the gift of Jesus in Holy Communion, a gift that when we open our hearts to receive it, can change our lives for the better. Congratulations to our children! May we ever become more like children in believing that he comes to us in such a humble way to give us the transformative graces of his love.
Josh Luttig to be ordained a Deacon this Saturday
A couple of weeks ago I announced that Bishop Boyea assigned seminarian Josh Luttig to be assigned to St Pat’s for the next year before he becomes a priest. He is being ordained this Saturday in East Lansing. Please say a prayer for him.
Pentecost Outpouring Event: Sunday May 19th at 7pm
On Pentecost, which is the birthday of the Church, we will be celebrating as a parish by praying for a new Pentecost for all parishioners who are hungry to know God more deeply and want more of his power in their lives to follow the Lord. These kinds of events are always powerful for those who attend. Along with praise music, there will be preaching about the promise of the Holy Spirit and praying with people for the grace of Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is essentially the grace of a personal Pentecost in people’s lives. This is a great event if you find the Christian life difficult, or if it seems you don’t know Jesus like others do. I believe God is going to pour out his graces upon those who come seeking more of him.
Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias