Pastor’s Corner — July 23rd, 2023

Finishing the Renovation Work and Other Parish Projects

We are close to finishing up the “punch list” from the renovation project. You may have noticed that we’re still waiting for the arrival of the Sacred Heart carving (under the tabernacle), the sacred images by the votive candles, and some kneelers. Among other things to be completed are the angle of a couple of spotlights, name labels for the relics and the painting above the organ. The statues that came in last week are stunning even though we need to consider a solution for the St. Michael statue, which doesn’t squarely fit the pedestal on which he’s standing.

In the next couple of weeks we are working at bidding out several additional projects that have been on the backburner: updating church bathrooms, updating PLC bathrooms and even finishing our gathering space and cry room to fully match the Church. We are also looking at ways we can offer a modest update to McCann Hall. Please keep all of this in prayer.

Inviting People to Consider Becoming Catholic

Like every parish in the world, our parish exists to make disciples. This means helping people follow Jesus and become a full member of his Body, the Church. If you know someone who is not Catholic, please invite them to consider becoming Catholic. You never know how powerful your invitation to them is. Anne Guminik will be available after the Masses next weekend with more information on next steps.

Bishop Boyea’s Challenge to Come Early to Mass to Pray in Silence

Our crowded parking lot and getting a seat can be reasons enough to come to Mass early, especially if coming to our most full Masses on Sunday mornings. But the deepest reason to come early is so that we can prayerfully prepare ourselves for Holy Mass, which can help us worship God more fully and to receive the grace he has for us. 

A few weeks ago, Bishop Boyea in his weekly Diocese-wide email/text “On the Road to Emmaus” series, (to which tens of thousands of Catholics subscribed to around the diocese) challenged people to come to Mass early:

“And, so, to this week’s challenge. Here it is: Arrive at church 15 minutes before Holy Mass and spend that time in silent prayer.

Our churches aren’t simply a gathering space for Christians. They are a House of God, a Domus Dei. He is present. Hence, as a pious norm, we should comport ourselves reverently, prayerfully and silently while in church. Let’s keep conversation for the parking lot or parish hall. [or gathering space -Fr Mathias]

As for arriving 15 minutes before Mass? As the eldest of ten kids, I know it’s not easy to get a busy family out of the house on time. It can also seem daunting or, even, unrealistic to expect our children to sit in silence prior to Mass. If that’s you, then you can only try your best. You have my prayers!

You may find, however, that those quiet moments prior to Mass will actually help settle and still your children. Hence, all the family will be better prepared for Holy Mass.”

I’d like us to accept this challenge at St Pat’s to come to Mass early and pray silently in the Church. This means try to keep the talking to outside the Church sanctuary. I know we won’t be perfect at this. But I strongly believe it’s worth at least to try together as a parish to prepare our hearts and minds to worship God before Mass, in which we hear the Word of God, receive Jesus’ Body and Blood, and are sent out on mission in this world.

Coffee and Donuts After 9:30 AM Mass Every Week

I love the atmosphere of coffee and donuts after Mass: joyful kids running around, parishioners visiting with each other, new people meeting each other, all the while being served by happy parishioners of the parish. This ministry has had different forms over the years in which it was offered at different times and at different frequencies. But thanks to the dedicated volunteers we offer this after every Sunday 9:30am Mass. This happens every Sunday unless for some reason it needs to be canceled. (In that case, we’d announce its cancelation) Either way, this is a great place to meet people and to spend time with each other after Mass. A vibrant family atmosphere is also a good place to bring people who are new to the parish. If you want to be involved in this simple ministry of providing hospitality to people, please contact Kim Kaye.

How to Support the Deeper Conversion of College Students: A Note from a Parishioner

How many of you notice someone missing in the pew next to you? I can recall many people in my own life, and I imagine you can do the same. If your loved one is like the majority of fallen-away Catholics, it is likely their crisis of faith occurred in their college years. Nearly 80% will leave the Church by the time they turn 23 years old.

Yet, what if I told you college students are coming back to Mass on Sunday? What if I told you they’re going on mission trips or to Bible studies, having radical conversions, and committing their lives to Jesus? Not only that, but some are sharing the faith with their friends and mentoring other students to do the same.

My name is Rachel Matuszewski and I’m a parishioner of St. Patrick’s with my family and graduated from St. Patrick’s middle school. I’m a missionary with FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. What I’ve described is happening on 216 campuses across the country. As a full-time missionary, I witness conversions like these every day on campus and continue walking with students who don’t know the love of God.

I cannot go on mission without you. I am seeking people interested in joining me on mission by considering becoming a monthly Mission Partner. I have the responsibility to fundraise 100% of mymission budget through the generosity of others. I would love to set up an individual appointment with you next week or the following week. There, I can share how you can directly impact the lives oncampus and change the world for Christ.

Please email me at I will reach back out to you this week to set up a short appointment. Additionally, here is a link to my support page:

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — July 30th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — July 9th, 2023