Pastor’s Corner — July 14th, 2024

Parish Council Nominations for Fall 2024

Our parish council is a consultative body of parishioners that provides critical input and feedback both on how we are fulfilling our mission and on other major projects and initiatives such as upcoming bathroom and parking lot projects and the renaming of one of our buildings (more on this last one to come). In addition to the bi-monthly meetings each council member seeks input from the parish and brings that feedback to everyone on the council. Essentially, the parish council assists me in making good decisions for the good of the parish. The faithful input of the council is one of the key ways that I get the pulse of how things are going in the parish vis-a-vis our mission and helps shape direction to take the parish. Usually, parishioners are pretty good at giving input to me or my staff directly, but if you ever want to give input directly to the council chair, remember that the chair’s email is in the bulletin.

Because we have three council members who finished their terms in June, we are in need of three more parishioners willing to serve on the parish council for a three-year term.  If you’re personally interested in serving on parish council, please fill out and submit the Parish Council Nomination Form found here. These nomination forms, which will also be available in the front office, need to be submitted to me by email or dropped off at office by August 9, 2024. After this deadline, I will, with the help of my leadership team, prayerfully select from the nominations those to serve these terms.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has Been Excommunicated For Good Reasons

I’m guessing a fair number of you have seen that the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States (Delegate of the Pope) was declared as excommunicated for schism last week. (To put it simply, schism is the canonical crime of refusing to submit to the Pope.) To the careful observer, this was not at all a surprise. While I won’t get into why I stopped taking seriously the statements of Archbishop Vigano years ago and why I no longer trust websites like LifeSite News that published some of his writings, I do think it’s important to understand the kinds of errors he was embracing led to his excommunication because there is a small faction in the Church that is tempted by the same errors (such as denying that Pope Francis is the Pope or by denying the legitimacy of the Second Vatican Council). For more about this, I encourage you to read about this from solid Catholic news/commentary sources like The Pillar.

“I Believe in Love” Retreat by Deacon Josh Luttig (July 20)

Here is a note from seminarian Deacon Josh Luttig who is putting on a day retreat for the parish. 

I would like to invite you all to join us for a retreat based on Thérèse of Lisieux’s spirituality!  She has had a great impact on my own spiritual growth over the years, and I am looking forward to sharing these fruits with you! It will be Sat. July 20th from 8am-1pm in the PLC.  We will begin with optional Mass at 8am in the Church, then head over to the PLC for breakfast, talks, discussions, adoration, and lunch. There is no cost, but please register here by Mon. July 15 so we can provide enough food for everyone. Can’t wait to see you there! -Dcn. Josh Luttig

This looks really good. St Therese’s spirituality has had a deep impact on my life and I hope it can for you as well.

New Pastor for Holy Spirit in Hamburg and Rectory Life

This week it was announced to the whole diocese that, as of July 1, Fr. Jonathan Perrotta, who was previously announced to be the Administrator of Holy Spirit, has now been named the Pastor of Holy Spirit and that Fr. John Rocus is now in Senior Priest Status. This is an important distinction as it indicates that Fr. John is not going to come back as Pastor of the parish.

Also, Fr. Jonathan will be living at St. Pat’s rectory and commuting to Holy Spirit. He is a good friend of mine and a member of my priest fraternity, which highly values common life, prayer, and priestly fraternity. It’s been great having him around this past week or so. Since the make, model, and color of his car is exactly the same as mine, you might think you’re seeing me driving, but it’s actually him. Clue: he looks nothing like me. If you see him, welcome him to the area.

Please keep Fr. John Rocus in your prayers as he continues to pursue cancer treatment.

National Eucharistic Congress This Week (July 17-20)

This week I’ll join tens of thousands of Catholics from all over the country (and many from our parish) for the National Eucharistic Congress. I’m giving a breakout session as well as helping with a main session prayer time. This historic 10th National Eucharist Congress (in the United States) is the key moment in the three-year National Eucharistic Revival, the purpose of which is to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. For more information on the National Eucharistic Congress go here. Please pray for the unity of the Church around faith in Jesus in the Eucharist!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — July 21st, 2024


Pastor’s Corner — July 7th, 2024