Pastor’s Corner — January 28th, 2024

Catholic Schools Week Begins

Contrary to what some might think, St Patrick’s School is a ministry of St Patrick Catholic Parish. Even if it has its own special mission within the parish’s mission and is comprised of many non-parishioners, the school is not independent or separate from the parish. Rather, it is a vital part of our mission at the parish. The purpose of St Pat’s School (our why) is to offer values-driven families an authentic Catholic education so that they can encounter God’s love and their children have a steady place to discover their God-given purpose. The motto of the school is “Where the Love of God is, There is Purpose.”

This week marks the beginning of Catholic Schools week, in which we celebrate our Catholic identity in various ways. To kick off the week, Carley Dunphey, our school principal, will be sharing a few words about our school at all of the Masses. I am very proud of her leadership with our outstanding teachers and staff which has made our school such a gem in our Diocese.

Also, we are having an Open House this Sunday (Jan 28) from 1-3pm. If you’ve never been to the school across town (1001 Charles Orndorf Rd), please consider coming to the Open House. The last couple of years parishioners who haven’t been in the school came and seemed to really enjoy seeing our beautiful school for the first time. 

To learn more about the school, please see our new and improved website

A Note from Nancy Coffey Liturgy Coordinator: Kinds of Food in the Church

Dear Parish Families,

At St Pat’s we very warmly welcome children to our Masses and appreciate the joy and vitality they bring to our parish family. To ensure a pleasant and respectful environment for all, we kindly request your help in minimizing messes within the Church, especially in the pews.

We ask that you avoid bringing sticky or crumbly snacks, as well any drink other than milk or water, as these can often lead to spills and stains. If your little ones need a snack during Mass, consider bringing something simple, like small pieces of fruit, dry cereal, or string cheese.

Your cooperation helps us maintain a clean and sacred space for worship and fellowship. We thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.

Yours in Christ,
Nancy Coffey

First Reconciliation Saturday Jan 27

This Saturday we will have 80 children receive First Reconciliation! If you’re reading this beforehand, please say a little prayer for them, that they might sincerely repent of their sins and be brought to deeper conversion to our Lord. Also please pray for their families as well. Sometimes parents who bring their kids to reconciliation don’t receive this Sacrament themselves too often. We also know that if parents don’t receive this sacrament, it’s not as likely their kids will in the future. Please pray that this sacrament is a rich opportunity for renewal of the faith of the entire family.

Bishop’s Brief Letter on Stewardship

In early January Bishop sent a short letter to be disseminated to the parish on stewardship. I completely missed this before the Epiphany and then I went on a vacation. Sorry this is late. Please read this 3 ½ page letter here.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — February 4th, 2024


Pastor’s Corner — January 21st, 2024