Pastor’s Corner — February 4th, 2024

Parking Lot Congestion/Safety Reminder

Below is a graphic of what we’ve announced the past couple of weekends to deal with Sunday Mass parking lot congestion around Door B (Main Church entrance) and some safety concerns.

• We are asking that if you want to park in either of these two lots, to please enter one of the two entrances off Grand River Avenue. 

• Please try to not drive between the two lots before or after Weekend Masses. We will likely try putting some cones up to help us get used to this.

• Please try to use Rickett Rd entrance for Sunday Masses only for handicapped parking and to drop someone off at Church under the carport (Door A entrance)

• Please do not use the two-lane “Exit Only” to Rickett Rd as an entrance to the parking lot.

Modified Prayer of St. Francis for Advancing the Kingdom (Last Weekend’s Homily)

I apologize for lack of clarity in my weekend homilies at times. For the most part they are very similar between the Masses, but sometimes they differ quite a bit on clarity. Usually, the best versions are on Sunday mornings and they are posted online.

Multiple people asked if I could publish the modified Prayer of St Francis in the bulletin. The prayer that expresses how we are to destroy the works of the devil by advancing the kingdom of God. Here it is:

“Lord, make me an apostle of your Kingdom wherever I am: where there is falsehood, let me bring your truth, where there is hatred, let me put love; where there is injustice, let me bring mercy, where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy, where there is evil, God’s presence.”

“How to Hear God’s Voice” Lenten Mission: Feb 25-27 at 7pm in the Church

This is just a “save the dates” for the Parish Mission I am preaching at the end of this month. The dates are Sunday-Tuesday, February 25-27 at 7pm in the Church. In this mission I will talk about how to dispose yourself to hear his voice, what his voice sounds like, and how to relate to our loving God in prayer so as to maximize our joy, love and communion with him. Hope to see you there!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — February 11th, 2024


Pastor’s Corner — January 28th, 2024