Pastor’s Corner — January 19th, 2025

Children Receiving Sacraments Next Week

Next Thursday (Jan 23), Bishop Boyea will be here to confer on fifty-eight teenagers the Sacrament of Confirmation. Then on Saturday (Jan 25) we will have First Reconciliation (First Confession) for one hundred children. Because these sacraments are significant moments of encounter with Christ, I want to invite the parish to please say a prayer for them, that the fruitfulness of the sacraments might burst forth into their lives. Also please pray for the families of these youth as well. Witnessing and being a part of these sacraments can be occasions of deeper conversion for all family members. Come Holy Spirit!

Mark Your Calendar: Men’s Conference (Saturday, March 22, 2025)

Let me put this right here: Fr Joshua and I would like to get as many men from our parish to our Diocesan Men’s conference. Here is some information about it (from Craig Pohl and the conference website):

Gather in fellowship with hundreds of other men ages 14 and above to hear from dynamic speakers about How the Lord wants to IGNITE your spirit to live as a faithful Catholic in our post-Christian world. This conference is not meant to simply ignite your Faith for a day, but to invite men across the diocese to build strong Christian communities in their homes, parishes, and workplaces that burn with zeal for the Lord. Join us to connect with other Catholic men from around the state, hear from nationally renowned speakers, spend time in prayer and adoration, engage with exciting Catholic ministries, and celebrate Mass with Bishop Boyea! 

This year’s lineup features exceptional speakers who will inspire and challenge us:

• Matt Birk – NFL Super Bowl Champion and pro-life advocate, sharing insights on faith, leadership, and achieving greatness.
• Dr. Jonathan Reyes – Senior advisor with the Knights of Columbus, known for his work in Catholic social justice and education.
•Peter Herbeck – Director at Renewal Ministries, evangelist with a passion for faith renewal and missionary outreach.
• Fr. Joe Krupp – A dynamic priest from the Diocese of Lansing and media personality, offering a relatable perspective on living Catholic values.
• Bishop Earl Boyea – Bishop of Lansing, who will celebrate Mass and offer his insights on faith in today’s world.

The conference welcomes men ages 14 and up. Whether you’re a high school student beginning your faith journey or a seasoned leader, this event is for you!

Reserve your spot today and invite friends, family members, or anyone seeking a day of inspiration and brotherhood. To register and learn more, please visit our website at


Follow-Up from Fr Joshua’s Homily

In Father Joshua’s homily last week, he challenged us to consider how our own expectations, particularly the way our hearts break for the brokenness of the world around us, might be the very place that the Lord is inviting us into his mission. I love this. Why? Because God loves to answer prayers through us, and how he moves in our hearts can be a strong indication of how he wants to bring his love, truth, and goodness into the world through us. Among other things, Fr Joshua mentioned getting involved in our parish ministries as a way to answer that call.

While one doesn’t have to be involved in a parish ministry to serve in Jesus’ mission, we have so many opportunities at St Pat’s for people to serve others in Christ. In case you or someone you know isn’t aware of it, we have a nice Ministry Directory that outlines the dozens of ministries we have here at the parish.

If there’s something you feel called to do for a ministry that we don’t offer, maybe the Lord is calling you to start something? If you have any questions, please contact Kim Kaye at the parish office.

New Parking Lot is Approved

The Diocese approved the repaving of our PLC parking lot across the street as well as the development of the new parking lot. We’ll publish more details to come, but the project will likely start at the beginning of April and be done by summer.

Carpooling and Coming to Mass Early

In the meantime, let me just offer a reminder for those who go to the 9:30am or 11:30am Sunday Masses to not only try to come earlier to Mass to get a seat, but to also carpool to Mass if possible. Generally, these two Masses are the most popular and they are very full. It’s good problem to have, but it can create additional problems.

An usher who also serves on parish council told me last night that it can be a challenge to get people seated if they come late to Mass, especially when Masses are so full. Part of the reason I think people are late is because they are trying to find a parking spot and can’t. Of course, people should try coming to Mass a bit earlier—that will certainly help—but I think carpooling can also help open up some more spots for people.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — January 26th, 2025


Pastor’s Corner — January 12th, 2025