Pastor’s Corner — April 30th, 2023

The “Punch List” and the Delayed Statues

The last walk through after a construction job is complete ends in a “punch list,” which is essentially the list of things that need to be adjusted, completed or redone. In addition to needing to replace some kneelers which were the wrong size, we actually found that we are missing an entire row of seats in one part of the Church. After we get these final things done we will be looking to finishing the gathering space and start renovating our gathering space bathrooms.

Also for the record the statues are delayed considerably and aren’t slated to get here until June, unfortunately. People have been asking what we’re going to do with the statue cardboard cutouts…maybe we can auction them off after the statues arrive? :)

K of C Membership Drive This Weekend

Men are called to serve our community. When men step up and live out their discipleship in service they will make a difference. I’m proud to be the pastor of a parish with a strong Knights of Columbus council. The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Fraternal Men’s Association in the world with about 2 million members and 16,000 councils around the world. The Knights serve our parish and local community in many ways.

One of the chief ways it serves is they work to secure funds to give to worthy charities. Last year our council donated about $30,000 and our Knights gave 25,000 hours to promoting and accomplishing our service goals. Perhaps the most well-known way the Knights serve is through all of the service activities for the parish and our community from the tootsie roll drive last weekend to helping run our parish festival to the pancake breakfasts to hosting Holy Hours for vocations.

One of the most rewarding parts of being a Knight from my perspective is the friendships the Knights have formed with each other. Men serving alongside other men, living their faith and making a difference. When a Knight joins, he is free to choose one or more events or service opportunities in which to participate. Some Knights are more active than others, but everyone’s help matters.

Our Knights are very active and effective in serving our parish and community. I’d like to invite parish men to consider joining the Knights. Joining the knights is easy – you can join online today for free or see one of our Knights in the gathering space who can answer your questions and register you in person.

Over Eighty to Receive First Communion Saturday May 6th

Please pray for our 2nd graders as they prepare for their First Communion on May 6th. This year we have two Masses (Saturday 10am and 2pm) that around eighty-three children will receive their First Communion. We’re very proud of these little ones who come forward in faith to receive Jesus. As we pray for these little ones, let’s also pray for their families and for all of us that we may be inspired to also become like children and receive Jesus with awe, wonder and faith.

New Bulletin Layout

Next weekend (May 6/7), you’ll notice that we have redesigned our parish bulletin to be significantly shorter and to include much more targeted information regarding upcoming events at our parish. This is part of a lengthy discernment and deliberation process on the part of our parish staff as we continue to roll out our Discipleship Pathway. We hope with the redesign, our communication about events along with formation and service opportunities will be more clear.

What’s exciting about this is that though the weekly bulletin will be shorter, we will now be publishing a parish quarterly magazine, The Connection. The Connection will be a space for longer form articles and reflections about various happenings in and around the parish as well as contributions from some of our favorite columnists including Dcn. Pat, the Knights of Columbus and others. See the insert in this weekend’s bulletin for a one sheet explainer. I’m very excited about our bulletin redesign and plans for The Connection!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — May 7th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — April 23rd, 2023