Paster’s Corner — August 27th, 2023

The Sanctuary as House of Prayer for All People

For the sake of those who didn’t hear my homily from last weekend and for easy reference I’m going to put some of the “housekeeping” points here as reminder. If you were gone last weekend, I’d encourage you to listen/watch the homily since you’re missing the context, tone and the subtle points) 

  • The Church sanctuary is unlike any other building. It is holy because of Who dwells here and because the sacred rites in which God is worshiped occur in it. The whole point of the renovation was to reflect these realities, give due honor to God, and to help us prayerfully lift our hearts and minds to God.

  • My vision for our church sanctuary is that it be a place of prayer in which we can encounter the living God and a place where visitors, guests and strangers can be welcomed and loved as they search for God. If people can’t find God in us or in the sanctuary, our parish becomes an anti-sign of God’s presence.

  • Dressing for Mass:
    o Two questions we can ask before leaving home:
        -Am I dressing appropriately for the dignity of what is happening at Mass? (Would I wear these clothes at a nice restaurant?)
        -Am I dressing modestly in a way that reflects my dignity and doesn’t distract others from praying?
    o We are to encourage each other in this, but we also are glad people come to Mass regardless of what they’re wearing. Maybe they didn’t have time to change from what they were doing?

  •  Parking Lot Tips:
    o Try to aim at coming to Mass 15 minutes early (per Bishop Boyea) to prepare.
    o Consider carpooling to reduce strain on parking lot.
    o Use Door A (carport) entrance when dropping someone off (safer and better for flow)

  • Gathering Space
    o Place where we gather, greet, and visit with each other.
    o Chairs are reserved primarily for parents with small children, handicapped, and infirm. My ask is that others first find a place in the sanctuary, but if sanctuary is simply full and chairs aren’t taken, they can be used by anyone.

  • Sanctuary
    o As you enter the sanctuary, use Holy Water as a reminder of baptism, which also helps us focus and pray during Mass.
    o Before getting in pew, genuflect with right knee on way in and way out in act of worship to Jesus in the tabernacle.
    (Bowing is fine if we cannot genuflect)
    o When someone wants to get into the pew, move in or stand up and allow someone in. No glaring at people ever. If someone glares at us, remember we have no idea what’s going on in their lives and we all bring a lot of suffering to the Mass. A smile can go a long way.
    o Before Mass, the sanctuary should be a place of prayerful silence in order to prepare for Mass. Nevertheless, you can greet people, smile and be  friendly as long as conversations are kept to only when necessary.
    o Don’t be the silence police.
    o Preparing for Mass might entail reading Sunday readings ahead of time, a prayerful examination of the week, bringing the joys and sorrows of  the week to the Lord, or simply resting in his love all in anticipation of hearing his Word, offering oneself to the Father with Jesus and receiving his Body and Blood.
    o Have a pretty high tolerance and patience for children crying at Mass. Crying children are a sign of a healthy parish. Parents know that when their children are having complete meltdown to take them to the gathering space.
    o Allow the crying of children at Mass to remind us to be like children and to cry out to the Lord from our hearts with our needs.
    o Our period of thanksgiving is after communion, which is longer at St Pat’s because we have optional individual kneelers for communion.

  • Dismissal
    o Since Mass ends at the final blessing, resist the internal urge to leave Mass early. Don’t book Sundays too tight that spending 5-10mins more with Jesus isn’t doable.
    o Spend time abiding with the Lord who is in your company in Holy Communion.
    o Please be patient as we celebrate marriages and have an occasional testimony about a ministry critical to our parish.
    o Don’t leave until we’re sent out together on mission in the final dismissal.

    My vision for our church sanctuary is that it be a house of prayer in which we can encounter the living God and a place where visitors, guests and strangers can be welcomed and loved as they search for God.

Fr Kevin Darwent, CC at 11:30am Mass This Weekend

This weekend we welcome back for a Mass of Thanksgiving Fr Kevin Darwent, CC. He’ll be the celebrant and preacher for the 11:30am Mass. Just to think that last year he was just starting out as a deacon here at St Pat’s. Congratulations to Fr Kevin!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — September 3rd, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — August 20th, 2023