current candidates

2026 Preparation Dashboard

Candidates in the 2026 group began in Fall 2024 and will be confirmed in January 2026.

Announcements & Reminders:

We’ve experienced significant challenges with sending group emails to Confirmation families & messages ending up in spam folders. Please check this page for any information you may need. Copies of emails sent to your child’s preparation group will be added to the “Recent Communication” section below for you reference.

Saint and Sponsor Form - Due March 1

If you missed the March 1 deadline, please have your child complete their Saint and Sponsor selections as soon as possible. The instructions for choosing these and the Saint and Sponsor Form used to submit them to us are available under Forms & Resources.

Don’t forget to utilize the Preparation Timeline for your child’s preparation group to keep track of what is coming up for them to be doing.

The 2026 Preparation Timeline is available under Forms and Resources.

Preparation Timeline:

Discipleship Reflection #2 - Deadline Extended to April 15

We’re so sorry that the Discipleship Reflection #2 form was not available as promised at the beginning of March. Thank you for your patience while we worked to rectify this. In light of our delay, the deadline has been extended to April 15. Please note that the reflection is formatted like a survey, and should only take about 10-15 minutes for your child to complete. You can now access the reflection form under “Forms & Resource” below.

Candidate & Sponsor Baptism Records Due May 1

We must have a copy of each candidate’s baptism record, as well as their sponsor’s baptism record. The only exception to this requirement would be if either individual was baptized here at St. Patrick, or received First Communion or Confirmation here. Certificates may be submitted via the “Submit a Baptism Certificate” form under Forms & Resources.

Recent Communication

Can’t find an email? Worried that you missed one? Copies of any recent emails to the families of our 2026 Confirmation candidates can be found here:

Upcoming Key Dates:

Please check the Forms and Resources Section (below) for any instructions or forms necessary to complete these requirements.

April 1- April 15- Discipleship Reflection #2 due

This survey-format reflection form is available under Forms & Resources. Because there was a delay in making the form available to candidates, the deadline has been extended to April 15.

May 1- Sponsor and Candidate Baptismal records due

We need to have Baptismal records for every candidate and their selected Sponsor on file.

Past Key Dates:

  • March 1, 2025 - Saint & Sponsor Form due

  • Nov. 9-10, 2024 - Fall 2024 Confirmation Retreat

  • October 31, 2024 - Discipleship Reflection #1 due

    If you missed a due date, please proceed by having your child complete the missed item as soon as possible, and then continue on to the next requirment. Forms, instructions, and other information about completing requirements can always be found under the Forms and Resources section. If you’re concerned that your child has fallen behind in their preparation, please feel free to schedule a phone call with me so that we can work together to get them caught up!


Youth Discipleship Coordinator

Marissa Dawson