Pastor’s Corner — November 20th, 2022

Nine Joining the Catholic Church at St. Pat’s This Weekend

If you’ve been following the bulletin, you know that under the leadership of Anne Guminik, our Director of Pastoral Formation, we decided to add the Solemnity of Christ the King to the Easter Vigil as another date when people can become Catholic. This weekend (Saturday 5pm Mass) will have nine non-Catholic Christians who will be Confirmed and received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at St Pat’s! The names of these blessed people are Christina Andoni, Bailee Kiel, Kristopher Kuklewski, Brian Spoljarick, Erin Theyer, Samantha Trotter, Daniel Varitek, Sonya Vera and Thomas Wilson. Please pray for them as they continue their discipleship as new Catholics. Special thanks to Anne and her OCIA team for their dedication to these disciples of Christ. Next week we’ll post a picture.

Official Church Renovation Schedule

In Ryan Nardozzi’s section of the bulletin, please see the Renovation Schedule for the Church.

Opportunities to Give This Week

During this time of the year, many service organizations are raising money for the good work they do all year round. This week I highlight three specific opportunities related to our parish:

1) Livingston County Catholic Charities Appeal:You should have received by now a letter detailing the annual parish Loaves and Fishes Appeal. Catholic Charities of Livingston County cares deeply about the needy and offers a variety of services in our county. Go here to learn more about all they do. You’ll also hear more about this appeal and how to give at Mass this weekend. 

2) The Diocesan Catholic Social Teaching Collection: Each year on Solemnity of Christ the King, the parishes take up a collection for the Diocesan Commission on Catholic Social Teaching. (We have two parishioners who serve on this Diocesan Commission) According to the Commission’s website:

“To equip the faithful to understand and put into practice Catholic teaching in light of the challenges of important social issues including the sanctity of human life, the dignity of the person, religious liberty, marriage and family, poverty, solidarity, and care for creation, Bishop Boyea has inaugurated a diocesan collection that will support small grants to applying parishes and Catholic entities within the Diocese of Lansing. This grant is designed to fund programs that combine catechesis with hands-on endeavors to advance Catholic social teaching within the diocese. Grant recipients will be selected by the Diocesan Commission on Catholic Social Teaching. The Diocesan Catholic Social Teaching Collection supports catechetical projects which inform and inspire our practice of the Church’s teaching in the world. This is distinct from the mission of Catholic Charities, which provides direct assistance to people in need.” 

In light of the unfortunate politicization of Catholic Social Teaching, I am glad the Diocese is doing what it can to help us think as Catholics and thus serve the needy in a Christian way. If you want to give, please use the envelope you’ve received and put it in this week’s collection or next week. 

3) Annual St. Vincent de Paul Society Collection:
During the 9am Thanksgiving Mass, our St. Vincent de Paul Society will take up a collection for their great work of helping individuals in need who approach the Society throughout the year. This ministry is on the front lines of those who are need of basic necessities in our area. I’m proud of the men and women of the parish who serve in this beautiful ministry. If you want to give please use the St. Vincent envelope or give during Mass on Thanksgiving.

Noah Allen, Maintenance Coordinator

I’m happy to announce that Noah Allen, one of our Maintenance Workers, agreed to step up and become our new Maintenance Coordinator. This means Noah is now the main point of contact for parishioners on maintenance issues. Thanks Noah!

Advent Preaching Series Begins Next Weekend

As we plan to unveil our new discipleship pathway, which was delayed due to Prop 3, we are embarking on a new preaching series this Advent. Stay tuned.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — November 27th, 2022


Pastor’s Corner — November 13th, 2022