Pastor’s Corner — November 13th, 2022

Proposal 3 Passes: A Truly Sad Day For Michigan

Here are a few early thoughts on the sad fact that the majority of Michigan voters voted to approve Proposal 3. (I woke this morning (Wednesday-day after election) pretty sick, so I’ll try to keep my comments brief)

• That this passed is simply terrible for Michigan. It’s terrible for unborn babies, vulnerable pregnant women, families, parents, confused children, doctors, and civil society. While it may take many years for current laws on the books to be ruled unconstitutional, the writing is on the wall that we’ll see our basic freedoms and protections of women and children slowly eroded away by the tyrannical waters of secular ideology.

• While it’s true some people probably knew exactly how extreme this amendment was, I’m convinced that a significant portion of those who voted Yes on Prop 3 didn’t understand the radical consequences of an amendment to the constitution as it was worded. No matter what anyone says, this amendment is radical, extreme, and evil. It’s as simple as that. If people voting simply thought that it was merely “Restoring Roe” without even seeing the text and knowing the consequences, then it makes sense why so many people voted for it.

• Therefore, if you find out that someone you know voted Yes for it, it’s important not to judge their hearts. Many people are simply deceived or don’t know what they’re doing. There are others that out of a false sense of compassion for the plight of vulnerable pregnant women, have bought into the lie that killing children is a solution to their situation. Others still might vote pro-abortion because they haven’t spiritually resolved their own cooperation with an abortion. Remember, publicly supporting evil can involve a complex inner moral struggle in the heart. Jesus has come to heal the human heart and set us free from bondage. But not everyone personally knows the freedom and love he offers. Remember as I’ve said before, people who promote abortion are not of the Devil; they’re just fooled by him. Let’s pray for the conversion of those who are confused and/or struggling spiritually.

•  I’m proud of all of our parishioners who prayed and fought like heaven for this effort. I’m proud of all of the efforts to get the word out about this extreme amendment. Thank you for being faithful to the call of God to protect the innocent.

• I don’t understand why this happened. But I know God will bring good out of this. As the world gets darker, remember that the light gets brighter. My prayer is that we will hit our knees in prayer and cry out to God for justice, pouring out our broken hearts to him, seeking his face. My prayer is that we will once again recognize more clearly that the solution to our social problems lies in the human heart, in helping people come to know Jesus who alone can change and heal our hearts.

• In the coming days, as we press into his love, let’s seek the face of the Lord and ask him these questions in faith. “Jesus, what are you doing in this moment in the Church right now? How do you want me to respond to your saving love in this time? How are you loving me in this difficult time?” As we sincerely pray these prayers, we will keep our focus on him, who alone is victorious over all sin and death and position ourselves to cooperate in advancing his kingdom of love and mercy.

Thank you, Scott Husak!

It’s with sadness that I announce that Scott Husak will be moving on from being Maintenance Manager to pursue a new opportunity that came up for him. His last day is November 15th. Here is a note from him: 

About one year ago, I heard God tell me in prayer what he wanted me to do and that this was going to stretch my faith farther than I could imagine. God had a future plan for me and was setting me up for it quickly.  Part of this plan has recently been revealed to me.  In light of this, I have made a difficult decision to take the position of Facilities Director at Fr. Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor. This move will allow me to continue fulfilling God’s calling.   

I have been blessed and honored to be a part of the St. Patrick’s staff working as the Maintenance Manager. I will miss the conversations and people that I interact with every day. My family and I will still be parishioners here and will enjoy watching the parish continue to grow and evolve.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — November 20th, 2022


Pastor’s Corner — November 9th, 2022