From the Vicar — December 29th, 2024
Serving our Young People
As you may know, St. Pat’s has been blessed to have a team of NET Missionaries serving our youth over the past three years. These young men and women have offered a compelling witness of joyful discipleship while providing critical support for our 5th-12th grade youth ministries. Unfortunately, their time with us will come to an end in May, since NET Ministries only provides missionaries to parishes for three years at a time. During their final year, a team’s goal is to help equip members of the parish to take ownership over youth ministry and ensure that the mission of leading young people to Jesus thrives beyond their departure. With that in mind, we are looking for volunteers who are interested in serving on our Core Teams for Ignite (5th-6th grade youth group) and Young Church (7th-12th grade youth group), beginning this Winter/Spring.
I really can’t overstate the importance of this ministry. The years of Middle School and High School are an absolutely critical time in our young people’s lives, in which they are in need of mentors and role models on how to become men and women of faith. In my own life, I am so grateful to the youth group at my parish, and the adults who took time to disciple me in the faith. If you are over 18, and have a desire to help young people encounter Jesus and walk with Him, then please prayerfully consider applying. Don’t be discouraged if you think you have too little experience (or too much)--the most important thing you can give is your time. Applications are open now, and can be accessed on the Parish website under Young Church. Please contact our Coordinator of Youth Discipleship, Marissa Dawson, or Fr. Joshua with any questions.
Calling all Young Adults: Come with me to Ireland!
This upcoming August, I will be leading a pilgrimage to Ireland for young adults (18-35yrs)! To go on a pilgrimage is one of the oldest Christian traditions: it is an opportunity to step out of your day to day routine to walk where the Saints have walked. It speaks to the incarnational nature of our Faith, that Christ took on flesh and walked on this Earth. It is an intentional time of allowing the Lord to encounter us in how He has been at work in our world. On this pilgrimage we will be walking in the footsteps of St. Patrick, praying where our Blessed Mother appeared at Knock, and treading the ground where countless Saints have gone before us. I hope and pray that this pilgrimage will be a life-changing experience for many young adults from our parish and diocese! If you are a young adult, please consider joining. If you aren’t so young anymore, but know young adults who could benefit from the trip, please encourage and support them in attending. More information on the pilgrimage can be found on the advertisement in the bulletin, or by emailing Fr. Joshua.