Pastor’s Corner — December 22nd, 2024

Stewardship for Saints and Scholars Campaign SUCCESS!

The great news is official: we are at $3.18M in campaign gifts/pledges which surpasses our target of $2.96M! We’ll probably end a little higher than this as we still have some people who are still turning in their pledges. I am honestly floored and humbled by the generosity of so many families (over six hundred families participated) who pledged to the five-year campaign supporting Catholic education and the passing on of the faith in our diocese. Thank you for your generosity! I know I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, but special thanks again to our four Parish Chairs and our dozens of volunteers. God be praised!

Advent Charitable Generosity: Thank you!

Kim Kaye, who is our Director of Christian Service, gave me good news about some of our Advent charitable initiatives:

• We purchased 60 full Christmas dinners for Bountiful Harvest to give out this week for needy families.
•  Our parishioners sponsored 72 families via Adopt a Family.
•  We increased our Advent Tree gift tags from our normal 350 to 500 this year, thus generously supporting many charities with support.

I’m so thankful for the loving parish that we have, especially around Christmas where a lot of people have a rough time.

Statement on Attorney General Report

Changing gears at bit, you may have seen this already, but here is the Diocese of Lansing’s press release on the newly released report, “Read: Attorney General Report suggests 1970’s and 80’s peak decades for alleged instances of abuse in Diocese of Lansing.” I wholeheartedly agree with the Bishop’s words in this statement. Bishop is asking for this Friday (December 20th) to be a day of penance and prayer in reparation for all those harmed by clerical misconduct. (If you read this after the fact, you can substitute that day with a different day for prayer and fasting) If anyone wants to talk about this, feel free to reach out to me or Fr. Joshua.

“Outpouring” at St Pat’s: Saturday January 4th at 7:00pm

You’re invited to a special parish event called “Outpouring” in the Church in which we will be praying for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit for those who want more of what Jesus promised. We do this event a couple times a year, usually in November and May. The event is particularly geared toward those who may not have much or any familiarity with the grace of baptism in the Spirit and are eager for more of God’s love and power in their lives. Along with preaching and beautiful praise music, we usually have a testimony or two from parishioners who have experienced God’s love powerfully in past parish events.

If you’re one of the hundreds of women who attended the Walking With Purpose retreat a couple of weeks ago, this praying over people is a similar experience of being prayed with at that event. Essentially, we’re asking the goodness of God to revivify our lives in Christ. This is a parish event for parishioners, but it is also open to everyone, especially friends and family who wish to pray for more of the Holy Spirit. People’s whole lives can be changed by events like this. Plan on bringing your friends whom you want to know the love of God. I hope to see you there!

Merry Christmas and Thank You!

The baby Jesus in the manger reminds us how truly humble our God is. He didn’t come for himself; he didn’t come to get something for himself. He came for us. He came so that you and I might know who we are and who he is so that we might live with him forever.

In our world of suffering, it’s important for us to remember that nothing on earth is stronger than his love! No matter what has happened this past year in your life, no matter how dark it may have been, the Light of the World revealed through this little child has the power to scatter the darkness now and for eternity. May we allow him to love us more deeply and call us to a greater humility that not only recognizes that he is our Savior King, but also the fulfillment of our deepest desires.

Fr. Joshua and I are very grateful for the cookies, the food and drinks, and the cards that so many of you have given to us. Thank you so much! We are so blessed to be a part of this beautiful parish family and I’m grateful for all of you. Merry Christmas!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


From the Vicar — December 29th, 2024


Pastor’s Corner — Sunday, December 15th, 2024