Pastor’s Corner — October 16th, 2022

Anointing of the Sick Mass (Healing Mass): Tuesday, October 18, 10:30 am in the Church

While Fr. Miguel and I anoint people upon request throughout the year, it’s also fitting to host a special Mass once in a while in which we anoint those who are prepared to receive it. Just a reminder, the sacrament can be given to any baptized Catholic who is one or more of the following:

a. seriously ill (you could die from the illness have) or
b. about to undergo serious surgery, or
c. an elderly person who has become notably weakened through age, or
d. a seriously ill child who is the age of reason, or
e. actively dying

I’ve seen God bring about tremendous peace and healing through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. If you need the Anointing of the Sick, please plan on coming and approaching the Risen Jesus with faith for healing on Tuesday, October 18 at 10:30am in the Church.

Prop 3 Update…

• Good news: a lot of people are talking to others about this and even going door to door. I just heard a testimony last week that one of the pro-life canvassers in Michigan knocked on the door of someone who works at an abortion clinic and actually convinced him to vote No on Prop 3. (Remember, this is a disaster for the health of women who come in to have an abortion too)

• How is it going talking to people about the evils of Proposition 3? Please continue to talk to and reach out to people who you think are pro-choice but would actually vote against this if they saw how extreme this is.

• As you’ll see on our YouTube channel this week, we will be posting the presentation Michigan Catholic Conference lawyer Rebecca Mastee, J.D. did at the PLC on Saturday in which she took us into a deeper dive of the language of Prop 3. Wow. This amendment would be a true disaster.

• Here is a different but excellent website that helps explains the evils of Prop 3 from a more secular viewpoint. The language and layout here might be more palatable for some demographics.

• I’ve reached out to my non-Catholic Christian Pastors in Brighton and encouraged them to preach about the evils of Proposition 3. If you know any other Christians in town, encourage them to encourage their pastors to preach about this.

• We should have some yard signs available this weekend for people to grab to put up at their home. I would suggest that you for sure take one if you live on a busier street.

• With Michigan, Vermont and California are also voting on proposals about “reproductive freedom” this November. Here is a take on just how extreme all these measures are from one of my Catholic commentary websites. 

• Please keep praying for the conversion of hearts and for courage among ordinary Christians to talk about this with others.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — October 23rd, 2022


The Pastor’s Corner — October 9th, 2022