Pastor’s Corner — November 26th, 2023

Congratulations to Brand New Catholics Coming into the Church This Weekend

Last year we started receiving people into the Church two times of the year (Solemnity of Christ the King in  November and more in the Easter Vigil) This weekend at the Saturday 5pm Mass, nine candidates in our Order of Christian Initiation for Adults will be receiving Sacrament of Confirmation and will be welcomed into the fullness of the Catholic Church. They are: Jason Coleman, John Thomas Doudna II, Lisa Rimanelli, Eric Stephen Yunker, Jeanne Strickland, Amanda Henderson, Kylee Savage, Ethan Lange, and Samantha Francis. Please join me in praising God for their faith and interceding for them and their families!

Sacred Heart Carving

You might remember that in the original design of the renovation there was a carving of the Sacred Heart of Jesus under the tabernacle. Well, the person who did the carving is finally done with it. In the coming weeks it will be installed.

Capital Improvement Priorities

My leadership team, the parish council, and the finance council have been discerning the various priorities for capital improvements. I’ve also been asking parishioners over the past couple of months as well. We’ve been in the process of getting quotes for various projects: the gathering space, church bathrooms, and PLC bathrooms. The multiple quotes have been much higher than anticipated for all of these projects, which has caused us to seriously reevaluate what we are doing when. In this process, I have come to the conclusion that the PLC bathrooms are a greater priority than the Church bathrooms, even though we are hoping to refresh the Church bathrooms with some modest updates. We are working at doing what we can to bring down the costs of the gathering space project and the PLC bathrooms and will hopefully be in a much better place to consider starting these next summer.

Advent Music Concert

So many of our music teams are practicing hard to present a beautiful Advent Concert in the Church next week on December 1st. Please go here to get tickets to experience a beautiful and uplifting evening!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — December 3rd, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — November 19th, 2023