Pastor’s Corner — March 6th, 2022
YouTube Livestream Mass (and the PLC 9:30am Mass) Set to End After Easter
In my bulletin article back in October, I explained why viewing livestream Mass does not fulfill our Sunday Mass and why some people under certain circumstances don’t have the obligation to attend Mass. Given the severity of COVID from the beginning of the pandemic, many parishioners were quite thankful that we offered the livestream Mass. But since the COVID numbers have been plummeting for some time now and since even the CDC announced last Friday it was relaxing many recommendations, I’ve made the decision that the last YouTube Livestream Mass will be April 17th. (Of course, this is subject to change if pandemic conditions worsen)
This means two practical things:
1) The last YouTube livestream Mass will be April 17th. Importantly, we will still be recording Sunday Masses and posting them (and the homilies) on the YouTube channel on Mondays. The primary reason for stopping the livestreaming of Mass on Sundays is that we do not want to incentivize people in “substituting” livestream Mass with the real Mass. For those who are simply unable to come to Mass for any of the reasons cited in my article will still be able to watch the recorded Mass that week.
2) The last PLC 9:30 AM livestream Mass will be Easter Sunday (April 17th). This mask-required Mass with more distancing available was being offered a “middle way” for people who were extra cautious and who wanted to receive Holy Communion, but weren’t yet comfortable going to Mass with the rest of the parish. (To be honest, I’ve been proud of the people going to this Mass instead of just staying home as I thought their desire to come to the PLC was a sign of a healthy moral awareness of their relationship with God, the Church and their desire for Holy Communion.) But as the pandemic is waning and seeming to enter into the next phase of the virus, we really need to get back to normal and I’m afraid that us continually offering this option could end up doing more harm for people than good. Ending this in mid-April gives people who are currently attending this Mass plenty of time to adjust to coming back Mass to worship with us.
Ukraine and Profiles in Courage
There’s not much I can say about the war in Ukraine. We simply need to pray, support the Ukrainian people, and pray for a peaceful resolution of this increasingly catastrophic situation.
Nevertheless, I must admit that I’m becoming a fan of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose courage is inspiring the world: “I don’t need a ride, I need ammo.” While we can never celebrate violence, the courage of a man who could leave but chooses to stay to defend his people against an unjust aggressor can rightly be celebrated and admired. (Honestly, we need more people like him in the world who are willing to lay down their lives freely for the sake of others.)
Thankfully, he’s not the only one who’s showing courage in this atrocious time. I’m also inspired by two Catholic bishops in Ukraine for their instructions for their priests (here and here). Essentially, they are commanding their priests to remain in their parishes, not to leave the faithful in this threatening time and to celebrate Mass in bomb shelters. These are inspiring and worth a read.
Come, Holy Spirit, protect the Ukrainian people and bring about peace, in Jesus’ name.
Dad’s Club Drive-Thru Fish Fry
The famous Dad’s Club fish fry returns March 11th & 25th. I invite everyone to come and enjoy the delicious food prepared by our dedicated volunteers. It will go from 3:30 - 7:30 PM at the Parish Life Center. Dinners are $15 each and cash only.
Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias