Pastor’s Corner — March 3rd, 2024

Diocesan Services Appeal 2024: Commitment Weekend

Last weekend, Deacon Josh made a good pitch for our annual appeal. Please try to offer a donation to the appeal in the next few weeks if possible. I’m asking everyone who is confirmed or older to make a small gift (even if it is $1.00) so we can break the 1000 gifts barrier. Last year I think we were in the 980’s of individual gifts. Please go here for more information and to donate.

Parish Mission Success!

I am so happy that hundreds attended the parish mission, “How to Hear God’s Voice.” The feedback I’ve been receiving has been really great. I’ll be sending out a recap with outlines of the talks next week to all of the parishioners signed up for our parish email list. (We can have some printed out outlines available at the office for the few parishioners who don’t use email) But all of the talks are available right now on our YouTube Channel. Please consider watching them as I believe they are some of the most important talks I’ve given to the parish.

Parents: Here’s How We Can Protect Kids From Dangers of Smartphones

For the most part media and technology can be used for good of our human nature if used with wisdom and discernment. However, all tools have an impact on our human nature, some worse than others. It doesn’t take research and data to convince us that social media is one of these tools that can very negatively affect our mental health and relationships. The dark side of imprudent and excessive social media use is very dark and is really damaging to us. This is especially the case for kids and teenagers. The current data around the mental health crisis among youth bear all of this out. 

I believe all parents and grandparents need to kept up to date on the latest data on how much damage is being done to kids and young people on account of social media. The damage is significant. To this end, I’m offering two recent articles on this topic think it’s important that parents and grandparents read.

1) “Social Media, Tweens, and Teens: Data, Consequences, Solutions” (Catholic World Report) by Sister Renee Mirkes
This well-researched article covers this: “Social media technology has revolutionized not only the way tweens and teens communicate, but the way they live, play, and think. What are the facts? What is happening now? What can be done?”

2) “Parents, Here’s How We Can Protect Kids From the Dangers of Smartphones” (Newsweek) by Margaret Ferguson.
Referencing the serious mental health crisis among teenagers, this article offers a strategy for parents to help children grow up in a healthier way, living with real relationships.

Reminder about Men’s Conference March 16th

The Diocese of Lansing Accept the Challenge Men’s Conference will be on March 16th from 9am -5pm at Eastern Michigan University. Go here to register. I hope to see a lot of men from St Pat’s there!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — March 10th, 2024


Pastor’s Corner — February 25th, 2024