Pastor’s Corner — June 9th, 2024

Deacon Josh Fons is Being Ordained This Weekend!

This weekend (Saturday June 8th at 10:30am) our own Deacon Josh Fons will be ordained a priest! He will be ordained with Riley O’Shea, who was an intern at our parish a couple of summers ago. Please say a prayer for both of them. Let’s thank the Lord together that he has provided two more faithful young priests for our diocese!

Weekly Spanish Mass Available in Howell

Since it’s not clear to me how many in our Deanery know of the weekly Spanish Mass held at St Joe’s in Howell each weekend, I’m including a note from Fr. Gary here:

Looking for Mass in Spanish? St. Joseph parish in Howell has a 2pm Mass every Sunday in Spanish. This Mass is designed to serve the entire region and we welcome families from Howell, Brighton, Pinckney, and Fowlerville, and beyond. The community also celebrates other Hispanic traditions such as Our Lady of Gaudalupe, Posada, and Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings bread for Epiphany). All are welcome. Please help us get the word out! 

¿Busca misa en español? La parroquia de San José en Howell tiene una misa en español todos los domingos a las 2 de la tarde. Esta misa está diseñada para servir a toda la región y damos la bienvenida a familias de Howell, Brighton, Pinckney, Fowlerville, y más allá. La comunidad también celebra otras tradiciones hispanas tales como la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, las Posadas, y la Rosca de Reyes. Todos son bienvenidos. ¡Por favor, ayúdenos a correr la voz! 

Fr. Miguel helps out with this Mass from time to time. If you know someone who only speaks Spanish who not only wants a community to grow in or wants to go to Sunday Mass in Spanish, please let them know about this ministry.

Welcome Seminarian Glen Hart!

In addition to seminarian interns (Deacon Josh Luttig this year) each summer we have a seminarian or two who works with our maintenance team. This summer we welcome Glen Hart from Grand Blanc. You may have already seen him serving at daily and weekend Masses.

Glen is 21 years old and just finished up his first year in the seminary at St John Vianney Seminary in St Paul, MN. He was raised in a large Catholic family and grew up going to the Traditional Latin Mass at St. Matthew’s in Flint. He’s excited to be at St Pat’s this summer where he will stay at Hotel Brighton (St Pat’s Rectory) joining the other priests and seminarian here. So if you like to go fishing, playing board games, or playing soccer (things he loves), feel free to invite him over.


I Don’t Want to Write About This But…

I want to let you all know ahead of time. This upcoming June 29-30th is Fr. Miguel’s last weekend here at the parish. We will have a special going away reception for him on Sunday, June 30th from 1pm-4pm in the PLC. More information to come.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — June 16th, 2024


Pastor’s Corner — June 2nd, 2024