Pastor’s Corner — June 4th, 2023

Corpus Christi Procession Next Sunday: Two Things

a. Corpus Christ Procession (After 9:30am Mass)
Next Sunday is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (The Body and Blood of Our Lord) in which the Church honors and celebrates the mystery of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. Traditionally, parishes do a public veneration and procession of the Blessed Sacrament to witness to our faith that we truly believe that Jesus is fully present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in the Holy Eucharist. After the 9:30am Mass, we will be immediately processing to and from the altar at our cemetery a few blocks away in public witness of our faith in Jesus. This procession is a powerful way to stand publicly for a mystery at the heart of our faith. Such processions are also powerful witnesses to our family members to our commitment to this core Catholic belief. 

b. Preaching on the Mass and Preparing for Next Week
I’ll say more about this the following week. Next week we are entering into the second year of the National Eucharist Revival, which is the Year of the Parish, and therefore we’re likely going to be focusing more on the Eucharist and the Mass this next year. A year and a half ago (December 2021) Fr. Miguel and I preached a homily series on the Mass that I’d like to build upon. These homilies are not just about theology of the Mass, but they also cover some very important practical aspects of how we as a family at St. Pat’s are to worship God at Mass. So if you didn’t hear these homilies because you’re new to the parish, or if you were gone and missed one or two, please try to do so in the next couple of weeks. This will be particularly helpful as we talk about possibly bringing back the Precious Blood at a couple of Masses. I’m putting the links here for your convenience.

1) Introduction and Liturgy of the Word (23:12) -Fr. Mathias
2) The Mass as a Sacrifice (12:42) -Fr. Miguel
3) Receiving Holy Communion (21:16) -Fr. Mathias
4) Signs & Symbols of the Mass (18:58) -Fr. Miguel

Please consider watching or listening to these if you haven’t already. And if you were present for these, it’s not a bad idea to revisit them either.

“Unveiled” Couples Retreat by the John Paul II Healing Center (Ann Arbor, July 20-22)

When we pursue God and his love in our lives, we often become aware of aspects of our hearts that need renewal and restoration. The power of God’s love to heal the wounded heart and to set it free to love and be loved is one of the best things Jesus offers us. We’ve held multiple events from the John Paul II Healing Center here in the past and parishioners who have given themselves wholly to the healing process of Jesus have found deeper freedom and love in their lives.

Today I’m inviting parishioners to consider doing a retreat on healthy and intimate relationships which is done locally. From their website:

Discover how passion, purpose, and intimacy can be strengthened or restored in your relationship! Join author and speaker Dr. Bob Schuchts and his daughter, Carrie Schuchts Daunt, for a 3-day retreat that delves into St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Discover God’s design for marriage, learn how to build unity, passion, and intimacy, and explore techniques for healing and reconciliation in your marriage. This retreat spans the gap of couples discerning marriage, newlyweds, marriages in crisis, marriages looking for renewal or nourishment, or those desiring how to better serve couples in relationship counseling.

It’s common for couples who want to grow deeper in their relationship with each other but one or both of the spouses have wounds that simply prevent them from doing that. This should not be a cause of discouragement to throw up one’s hands and give up. Rather this is an opportunity to experience healing and growth in intimacy. I know that might sound like wishful thinking that such situations can improve, but for one who has seen God’s grace work powerfully in the hearts of parishioners, God’s grace and his ways are truly that wonderful and powerful.

A couple months ago on vacation I was reading Dr. Schucht’s newer book on this topic called, Be Devoted: Restoring Friendship, Passion, and Communion in Your Marriage and it is simply outstanding. My hope is that all couples in the parish would understand and be committed to the dynamics of friendship, passion, and communion in your marriage. If you’re not sure about the retreat, perhaps pick up this book and read it and allow the Lord to invite you deeper.

For more information on this retreat and to register please go here.

Away on Retreat This Week (June 4-9)

Please know that when I take my annual retreat this week that I’ll be praying for all of you. Please do me a little favor and pray for me that I might have a fruitful retreat and that I can surrender more deeply to the Father’s love. Thanks ahead of time!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — June 18th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — May 28th, 2023