Pastor’s Corner — June 30th, 2024

Goodbye Fr. Miguel

Never did I think that the teenager Miguel I met back in 2009 when I was a Deacon in East Lansing would become my associate/vicar for three years! I still can’t believe that his time here is up this week. From being a new priest to having three years under his belt, I’ve seen him grow tremendously as a pastor of souls and as a minster of the gospel. Those of us who have come to know him well, know how gifted he is in bringing the joyful, consoling, compassionate, tender and transforming love of God to those whom he interacts with. His unassuming and disarming personality really mediates the love of God in an extraordinary way. In fact, I really never have metanyone like him. In addition to the blessing he’s been to the parish, he’s been a tremendous blessing to me as a brother priest and a friend. I am going to miss him here at St. Pat’s a lot. But for me I’m not really saying goodbye to him as he joined my priest fraternity a couple of years ago; I get to see him at least every other week for our meetings. 

But for the rest of the parish, it’s not likely you’ll see him that often. I know it’s hard for parishioners who get to know and love the newly ordained priests that come through St. Pat’s only to have to say goodbye to them every few years. One of the blessings of this parish is precisely that it is a place where new priests can cut their teeth in the priesthood and where they can be received with love. But that also means saying goodbye, which is never easy. 

Please don’t forget about Fr. Miguel’s going away reception this Sunday June 30 from 1pm-4pm in the PLC Activities Room. This informal gathering is an opportunity to honor him, thank him and say goodbye to him. If you can’t come, maybe you can thank him after one of the Masses this weekend. Fr. Miguel’s last day here is July 2nd. 

In addition to his last homily here this weekend, Fr. Miguel wrote a note to the entire parish: 

It’s hard to believe that 3 years have already passed since I first arrived at the parish as a newly ordained priest. I still remember my first mass at the parish! Still, for as quickly as time flew by, there has been so much the Lord has done in these last few years. I have witnessed the Lord do so many amazing things in people’s lives, met and gotten to know so many amazing people, and grew so much in my priesthood in such a short span of time.

It’ll be hard to list all the wonderful ways I’ve seen the Lord heal others (both physically and emotionally/spiritually), but it’s been incredible to witness. Just the other week the Lord healed one of our parishioners of tinnitus and vertigo from a concussion. Praise the Lord! 

I’ll also carry with me all the moments I’ve spent with everyone at their weddings, funerals, sick calls, and confession. It’s so edifying to see how the Lord moves and responds to people’s pain and weakness, and seeing God’s love for his people in those moments will be forever imprinted in my memory. In fact, because of all these experiences, I’ve grown ever more convinced of what happens when we bring our sufferings and pains to the Lord- and that is transformation. The Lord loves to love us, for he is our savior and healer. 

I leave St. Pat’s with an ever-greater hunger to lead others to encounter this healing love of God, and I pray that God may continue to use me to do his good work at Lumen Christi and spread his love and saving message to all. 

It also goes without saying that I’m going to miss everyone at St. Pat’s. I’ll miss all of you, I’ll miss the staff, Fr. Mathias, our esteemed Deacons, and all our volunteers and helpers that I’ve met along the way. It’s always hard to move on to a new place, but I leave with gratitude, thankful for my time spent here with all of you. I’m especially grateful for all of your prayers and support during these years, and please know of my continued prayers for you!

Blessings to all, and forever yours,
Fr. Miguel Colunga

Encounter Conference 2024

I write this from Toledo, Ohio where we are having our annual Encounter Conference which starts tonight (Wednesday) and ends Friday. I think this year we have around 3,300 people registered with over 120 priests. God is doing mighty things. I’ll be back for Masses this weekend, but please say a prayer for our team and for all of the attendees. Come, Holy Spirit!

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — July 7th, 2024


Pastor’s Corner — June 23rd, 2024