Pastor’s Corner — July 17th, 2022
Aug 21 Discernment BBQ with Bishop Boyea
Each year the Bishop and the seminarians of the diocese host an informal BBQ at the Bethany House in Dewitt for any young man (junior year in high school or older) who might be open to the priesthood. (This year’s date is August 21 at 3-6 pm). This low-key event is where people can hear from seminarians on what it is like to be in the seminary, to ask questions, to meet the bishop and vocation director and just simply connect with other guys seriously praying about where God is calling them. Already we have two young men from St. Pat’s signed up to go to this event. If you know someone who might be interested in learning more about seminary, please encourage them to let me or Fr. Miguel know.
Parish Council Nominations for Fall 2022
Our parish council is a consultative body of parishioners that provides critical input and feedback both on how we are fulfilling our mission and on other key projects and initiatives such as the upcoming Church renovation. In addition to the bi-monthly meetings each council member seeks input from the parish and brings that feedback to everyone on the council. The parish council assists me in making good decisions for the parish. The council, in my mind, is one of the key ways that I get the pulse of how things are going in the parish and get input on what direction to take the parish.
Because we have three council members who finished their terms in June, we are in need of three more parishioners willing to serve on the parish council for a three year term. If you’re personally interested in serving on parish council, please fill out and submit the Parish Council Nomination Form found here. (We also have these available in the front office, and under the “SERVE” tab on our website). These forms need to be submitted to the office by August 26, 2022.
Healing the Whole Person Retreat: August 11-13 in Pinckney
If I could only require Catholics to read three books, one of them would be Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life by Bob Schuchts. I’ve recommended this book multiple times since I’ve been Pastor here. The book serves as a kind of introduction to the profound framework that undergirds the Healing the Whole Person Retreat put on by the John Paul II Healing Center in Tallahassee. (We’ve hosted this retreat twice since I’ve been here). These very popular weekend retreats are hosted all over the country and hard to come by locally. I attended one for priests and seminarians a couple of summers ago and I shared with the parish the positive and significant impact it had on my spiritual life.
You may have seen that the video version of this weekend Retreat is coming to St. Mary in Pinckney from August 11-13. (Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr Miriam Heidland are the presenters.) I believe God has so anointed this ministry that this conference in a video series can bring about significant emotional and spiritual healing. One reason why God uses retreats to bring restoration and healing for people is that being on a retreat means setting time aside to listen to God speak into deep and sometimes painful areas of your heart. The John Paul II Healing Center designs these retreats to help people experience Jesus’ transforming love in their lives. If you feel stuck, unloved, or afraid in some areas of your life, do yourself the favor and sign up for the retreat and simply allow the Lord to love you. You can go here to learn about this retreat and how to register.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Mathias