Pastor’s Corner — January 22nd, 2023

News on the Deans from the Diocese

In case you haven’t seen the Diocesan Communication, Bishop Boyea has appointed me the Dean of the Livingston Deanery. Here is the news release that explains what this means.

Formally Disassociating from the Boy Scouts

The diocese sent out clear guidance to parishes on its recommendations regarding our relationship to the Boy Scouts given their legal trouble and the problematic positions they have taken which are incompatible with the Catholic faith. Here is an excerpt of that guidance from last month:

In recent years, the Boy Scouts of America have made several changes to their governing documents. In particular, the bylaws no longer explicitly protect a church’s right to withhold membership from youth members whose personal beliefs are in conflict with the chartered organization’s religious principles. Additionally, the recent adoption of the “Citizenship in Society” merit badge has created a further conflict. This required merit badge for Eagle Scouts is an exploration of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” topics; its regular references to celebrating “individuality” and different “identities” contradict Catholic teaching on human sexuality. 

At the same time, with the Boy Scouts of America still resolving their bankruptcy over allegations of sexual abuse, and questions raised regarding the extent of insurance protections for chartered organizations, dioceses around the country are rethinking their affiliation with the Boy Scouts. Some have chosen to adopt facilities-use agreements with local Boy Scout troops, whereby the troop has no formal relationship with the parish and simply uses the parish facilities. Unfortunately, this option gives the parish no control over the troops, and we cannot recommend it. Maintaining a chartered troop with the parish is also not without legal risk, given the shifting insurance coverages following the bankruptcy. Some Dioceses have also chosen to disassociate from the Boy Scouts.

Given these legal issues concerning liability protection following the Boy Scouts’ bankruptcy and the shifting moral values of the Boy Scouts of America, the Diocese of Lansing now recommends that parishes disassociate with the Boy Scouts. We realize that some parishes have longstanding relationships with the Boy Scouts and so, through prayerful discernment may wish to renew their charters until they can find a suitable scouting alternative. Pastors and their parishes who wish to continue chartering with the Boy Scouts do so at their own risk.

Given that other scouting organizations, such as the Girls Scouts and perhaps others, have also begun promoting ideologies contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, pastors are also encouraged to reconsider any relationship with them.

When we think about this sad situation, we need to realize that the Boy Scouts of twenty years ago is not the same as it is today. It’s not the Church who has changed; it’s the Boy Scouts who have changed. This kind of clear moral guidance from the Diocese, while difficult for us to hear, is actually a gift. As a result, I made the decision a couple of weeks ago to formally disassociate our parish and school from Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. I know this might be difficult for some people, but I believe it to be the right choice for us and for our children.

Confirmation and First Reconciliation

On Tuesday Bishop Boyea came here and celebrated Confirmation for 45 of our students in the Church. It was a beautiful celebration. I’m so proud of this group of kids. Special thanks to Kevin, Marissa, the NET team, their parents and sponsors for all their hard work in prepping them.

This Saturday we are having about one hundred of our little parishioners (most are second graders) experience the grace of forgiveness in their First Reconciliation. Please join me in praising God for them reaching this milestone in their relationship with God. I pray that we can all approach theSacrament of Mercy with as much trust and surrender to God as children do.

Marriage Celebration

Don’t forget to register for the Marriage Celebration on Friday, February 10th. Last year was a huge success and we ended up having a wait list for tickets. See the Marriage and Family Life column on page 5 for more details and how to register. 

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — January 29th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — January 15th, 2023