Pastor’s Corner — August 8th, 2021

Health Update

Most people know that by my increased energy that I’ve been feeling much better, but I thought I’d write a little health update for the parish. Recently, I received some very good news from my team of doctors. After my CT scan a couple of weeks ago, my doctors said that the part of my kidney they were watching has healed to such an extent that they are not really concerned about it anymore. In fact, my urologist said that I’m “out of the woods” in terms of the risks to long-term health of my kidney. In other words, I’m expected to make a full recovery. In my tests, my blood counts were finally back to normal for the first time. Also, the cardiologist watching my blood clots said that I don’t need to take any blood thinners and that I am fine from here on out to travel long distances and go back to life as normal. After one more small procedure, it will only be a matter of time before I’m back to 100%.

Thank you so much for praying for me in the time of my sickness! It’s so humbling for me to hear how many people have been praying for me. Even complete strangers were praying for me because the updates were going all over the country. How blessed I am! If you know someone who was praying for me but is not a parishioner, please send them this little update and thank them for me. God is good!

Encounter Ministries Healing Service: August 27th in the Church

I will be leading the Encounter Ministries Healing Service on August 27th at 6:30 PM in the Church. Jesus still heals today. Recently a research scientist from U of M told me that when he visited the parish he was undeniably healed of a serious digestive issue as he approached Jesus in Holy Communion with the faith of the woman with the flow of blood. Our ministry is seeing healing take place all over the country. It’s really remarkable. Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom and demonstrated it through signs, wonders, and miracles. He did all of this so that he might confirm what the power of his message: that God the Father sent his Son to forgive our sins and destroy our death and invite us to new life in the Holy Spirit so that we can live with God forever. The healing service will include a time of worship and praise, proclamation of the Gospel and preaching, corporate prayer for healing ending with individual prayer teams for healing.

Save the Date: August 29th RRM Lay Faithful Regional Meetings

On the evening of Sunday, August 29th (6:30PM - 8:30PM), the Realign Resources for Mission committee will present the proposed drafts of parish groupings to the lay faithful of the diocese. Our final recommendations on how to best align the resources of the diocese for mission are due to Bishop Boyea on October 1, 2021. Your feedback is important to us and to the Bishop. In one evening we will present the proposed groupings simultaneously at our four Catholic high schools. There will be a virtual Zoom option available to watch all the main presentations but only those who attend in person will be able to participate in the live Q&A. All participants, in-person and online, will have a survey available to give feedback. Save the date; more details to come.

New Purity Ministry for Men

Please see the little blurb on page 9 of the bulletin from the organizers of the new ministry to help men who struggle with purity.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — August 15th, 2021


Pastor’s Corner — August 1st, 2021