Pastor’s Corner — July 2nd, 2023

July 4 Parade: Feel Free to Join Us

This Tuesday as we celebrate Independence Day, the birthday of our country, we are going to be participating in the City of Brighton 4th of July Parade. We’ve marched in this parade for a number of years and it is always fun representing our parish in the community. We’ve had information about this in the bulletin for a few weeks (see next page).  Feel free to join us if you’re in town this week!

No More Tuesday 7pm Confessions

I’m saddened to announce that the retired priest who has been helping us with confessions on Tuesday nights can longer help us. Therefore, we will be canceling Tuesday evening confessions here indefinitely. We currently offer confessions on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays (both mornings and afternoons).

First Issue of The Connection Available, Our New Quarterly Parish Magazine

This weekend you’ll notice that we have published our first issue of The Connection!  The Connection is a longer parish publication (different from the weekly bulletin) that we’ll publish quarterly.  This is in addition to our weekly bulletin. Here is the description of the magazine I wrote about in May:

“The Connection
is our new parish magazine that will be published quarterly. It will be a professional-quality publication that will be attractive to both parishioners and non-parishioners alike. It will feature long form articles, spiritual reflections, event recaps, among other things. It is our hope that parishioners will enjoy spending time with the content and also share this publication with friends and family outside of the parish if they desire.” 

The theme of this issue is the church renovation and includes backstory on how it came together, some more in-depth descriptions of key aspects of the renovation, and a look at the Altar Dedication Mass with Bishop Boyea.

The length, layout, and content of this magazine are intentionally different from the bulletin.  This is because while the bulletin is primarily a way to convey timely information to parishioners, our hope is that The Connection will provide more in-depth articles to be enjoyed by both parishioners and the wider community. When these quarterly magazines are published, they will be available for pickup in the gathering space until the next issue comes out.

Your servant in the Lord,
Fr. Mathias


Pastor’s Corner — July 9th, 2023


Pastor’s Corner — June 25th, 2023