From the Vicar — March 30th, 2025

Exciting Opportunities for Young Adults!

Are you a young adult looking for other young people interested in growing in their faith? I am very excited about a growing number of opportunities offered here at St. Patrick. The easy way to take a look at all of these is to check out our parish website page for young adults: Here’s a rundown of what you will find:

First, the Diocese has just launched an online networking platform for Catholic Young Adults called Faithful Connections. It is used for promoting young adult events and opportunities in regional areas and across the diocese. It is a great resource for finding out what is going on locally: to sign up, click here.

Next, as mentioned before in the Bulletin, I will be leading a pilgrimage to Ireland for young adults! It is August 28th through September 5th. It is an intentional time of allowing the Lord to encounter us in how He has been at work in our world. On this pilgrimage we will be walking in the footsteps of St. Patrick, praying where our Blessed Mother appeared at Knock, and treading the ground where countless Saints have gone before us. Spots are still available. Check out the ad below.


I encourage you to check out the parish website and the Faithful Connections page for more information about our recurring events: Every Tuesday night, young adults from our parish gather for fellowship and prayer in Case Hall. One Thursday each month, we have a Young Adult Holy Hour with Adoration and worship in the Chapel, followed by a social time at a local restaurant. These are both great opportunities to connect with other young people who are seeking the Lord.

Finally, I want to highlight that we have several CCO faith studies available for young adults! CCO is a Catholic movement raising up Christ-centred, Spirit-filled leaders to evangelize the world one person at a time. They do this through a simple proclamation of Jesus Christ, equipping followers to live out their discipleship, and then give them easy to learn tools and methods for sharing their faith with others. There are several studies going for young adult women, and there is one about to begin for young adult men. Check out the website for how to get connected!

As I meet with young adults, a common theme is that many of them lack community, especially Catholic community, and many have given up hope that they will ever find it. Here at St. Patrick’s, we are trying to change that narrative. This is a place for young adults to find that community, to encounter Christ, and to grow as Spirit-filled missionary disciples.

Update on Serviam and the St. Therese Guild

On March 15th, we had almost thirty young men attend the spring Serviam Retreat! In my exhortation to them about the significance of serving at the altar, I spoke about St. John the Baptist. St. John the Baptist is an incredible model for any kind of service, for one simple reason: he knew that it wasn’t about him. Even as he preached to vast crowds that were coming to be baptized, he knew exactly what his role was: to prepare the way from Christ. The same is true for us. Whether as a server, lector, sacristan, Eucharistic minister, or even as a priest: it isn’t about us! It’s about preparing the way for people to encounter Him! That’s the whole point. I hope the young men take the lesson to heart as they serve at the altar.

You may have noticed young women beginning to serve as junior sacristans! More young women are continuing to be trained, and they will have their own retreat on May 31st. It’s not too late to sign up to be an altar server or junior sacristan. Simply reach out to Carlene Demers, our Liturgy Coordinator.


Pastor’s Corner — March 23rd, 2025