natural family planning

What are the Benefits of Using
Natural Family Planning?
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the scientific, natural and moral title for the methods which help women and couples achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy, and evaluate their own gynecological health. There are many different benefits to using a natural system, here are just a few:
The main reason we should use NFP is because it is a part of God’s design. God made our bodies with natural indicators and then gave us the virtues necessary, one of them being prudence, so that we could remain faithful to our natural biological function and still make the best choices in relation to our spouse and family life. NFP therefore gives families the ability to work with God to plan and have an input on spacing the births of their children. Each cycle allows a couple to make the choice in the best interest of their entire family by discerning whether or not to add or avoid based upon their current life circumstances, which include your physical, mental, emotional, financial, and other factors specific to your family. This in turn means that couples spend more time communicating their intentions, motivating themselves to discuss their feelings, taking their desires to the Lord in prayer – and then making a choice that benefits the family.
So NFP methods help strengthen marriages because when a couple uses a natural system it requires them to cooperate with one another in one of the most intimate areas of their lives. NFP relies on clear communication and support from both members of the couple. There are times in every marriage where sexual abstinence occurs. NFP systems want to help couples live in a renewed courtship with one another and help them discover non-sexual ways to grow closer and express their love for each other. NFP has the potential to make good marriages great!
On a biological level, Natural Family Planning is exactly what it sounds like, it is natural. When using the method of NFP that is best for you, you are observing the natural and biological indicators your body already produces. Therefore, using a natural system is good for your body and supports your reproductive health. Two of the biggest benefits of using NFP are; no harmful side effects such as ones you would encounter when using contraceptives and NFP helps teach women about their gynecological health and wellness.
Finally, there are many methods of NFP. Each woman is different. Each couple is different and we all have our own life circumstances. Being able to pick from different methods is helpful to the couples that each method serves. There are systems that work with your most basic fertility signs all the way up to working with women or couples who are experiencing serious fertility and gynecological struggles. All the methods fit into one of the following three categories; Cervical Mucus Method (CMM), Sympto-Thermal Method (STM), and Sympto-Hormonal Method (SHM).

Is NFP for you?
Yes! And you are not alone on this journey. Every method of NFP comes with an instructor and/or a community that helps support you in your journey. God has a plan for you so do not be afraid or intimidated to try a method that works for you and your life situation. Using NFP could help you discover and discern what is in store for your fertility and gynecological journey.
At St. Patrick we have experienced instructors in the
Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (contact Daria at dariabaileygfcc@gmail.com, and the Marquette Method
(contact Mary Theresa at marytheresabishop@gmail.com).
Introductory sessions are offered regularly.
Want more information on Natural Family Planning?
Local and online Natural Family Planning Resources

Creighton Model NFP
Single and want to know more about your fertility? Do you need to take a Natural Family Planning class for an engagement requirement? Do you have fertility issues or are having a hard time conceiving?
Come learn the Creighton Model! The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) is a way of using standardized observation and charting, by observing your natural biomarkers. Creighton is designed for all women and couples in all different seasons of life, to find real and true answers about their fertility.
What is it like to use the Creighton Model FertilityCare System? Check out our blog to find out!
What is it like to use the Creighton Model System? From a Clients Perspective
For more questions please contact Daria Bailey CFCP at
(913) 333-1359 or at dariabaileygfcc@gmail.com.
Real Life Testimony - Why We Love and Hate NFP
Want to know what it’s really like to practice NFP in your marriage - the good and the bad? Take a look at these short videos below where a couple shares their personal testimony and experiences with practicing NFP in their marriage.