lent & easter schedule

deanery penance services

Wednesday, April 9th at 7 pm (at St. John the Baptist) | six priests available
Thursday, April 10th at 7pm (at St. Joseph) | five priests available
Saturday, April 12th at 10:00am (here at St Pat’s) | eight priests available



ash wednesday masses

Wednesday, March 5th
All Masses are incense-free & in the Church

8:00 AM
10:00 AM (School Mass)
12:00 PM
7:00 PM

Blessing of Palms at all Masses

Saturday, April 12th
5:00 PM

Sunday, April 13th
7:45 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:00 PM

Palm Sunday Mass Times

holy triduum

Holy Thursday | April 17th
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:00 PM
In the Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to follow in O’Kelly Hall until midnight.

Good Friday | April 18th
Dramatization of Stations of the Cross
2:00 PM
In the Church

Divine Mercy Chaplet
2:45 PM
In the Church

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
3:00 PM
In the Church

Holy Saturday | April 19th
Food Basket Blessing
2:00 PM
In the Church

Easter Vigil
9:00 PM
In the Church

Easter Sunday | April 20th
Mass Times:
7:45 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:00 PM